这场”圣所”巡回演唱会,的确是个”盛举”。出道15年的 JJ 林俊杰, 虽然之前在家乡办过3场演唱会, 但到了2018年的”圣所”巡演, 才能说是真正体会到被国人接受和爱戴的滋味。

开场时的那片紫色荧光海已经迫不及待地开始鼓噪。眼见JJ从舞台高空倒吊旋转着, 唱起了他著名的一首”一千年以后”。JJ 就像是个等待机会,努力挣开束缚,破茧而出后的蝴蝶,展翅高飞。除了要忍受倒吊时脑冲血的辛苦,要在晕眩的状况下, 克服种种障碍,好好的运气唱一首歌, 谈何易事?

更大的意义在于,林俊杰想告诉大家的是: 他已破茧而出,凯旋归来。


曾经是个怀抱着梦想的新加坡男孩, 如今已蜕变成家喻户晓,出色的歌手。能冲出这小岛,还扬名海外的歌手,的确屈指可数。能突破重围,凯旋归来,和天王级媲美,的确令人感到自豪。

如今,他享有着”行走的 CD” 的美誉。

You can’t deny that our homegrown JJ Lin, has stirred up a local phenomenon.

到目前为止,能够接近张学友在室内体育场办5场演唱会的只有他吧? 周杰伦和五月天也曾在这儿开过3晚, 但都移到能容纳4万人的国家体育场。他如今已可以和他们媲美,旗鼓相当。


虽然到了第四晚, 明显地听出 JJ 的声音有些疲态和开场时有点小沙哑,但大致上他还是保持了很棒的水准,依旧让人听出耳油。


我们都知道 JJ 很有才华,也很努力,但一批”千里马”也需要得到”伯乐”的赏识, 才得以发挥才能。

这次爆红的程度,把知名度再大大地提升的关键在于有了一个很好的发挥平台 – “中国好声音”,让更多人认识这把新加坡引以为傲的声音。



在看过3场林俊杰的演唱会当中,这场算是规模最大的一次。预算,硬体,视觉效果,管弦乐, 合声 (有 JJ 多年的好友,洪俊扬),国际拼盘的乐队,加上西洋音乐教父, David Foster,来担任”圣所”世界巡回演唱会的音乐总监 – 这绝对是音乐飨宴。

虽然演唱会有”故事”串场, 舞蹈员刻画出首首动人情歌的意境,舞台LED荧幕也像”变形金钢”般变化着, JJ 也换了6套服装。但我想大家最期待的是他边弹奏,边演唱自己的经典歌曲。

JJ 其实很懂得掳获普罗大众的口味。


第一晚: 只有新加坡人明白和极有共鸣的”Kallang Wave”, 还有他可以很放心说”Singlish”的时候。

第二晚: JJ也为多年的好友 – Junyang 唱了一首生日快乐歌曲。

第三晚: 能现场听到”爱笑的眼睛”,”输了你赢了世界又如何” – 就是所谓”赚到”。

第四晚: 可能前3晚都有着自己 Special 的环节,第4晚就感觉上没特别大的不同。但能听到一首限定的”醉赤壁”,也算不错啦。


有一小段的”会有那么一天”,我很爱的”背对背拥抱”,”她说”,”记得”,”修炼爱情”,”Saranghaeyo 只对你说”,”醉赤壁”。

在演唱”Saranghaeyo 只对你说”之后,台下的歌迷频频喊着”我爱你”, Oppa”!!

他笑道, 这感觉上是偶像歌手才会遇到的状况,而且都是长得帅气的。


JJ 其实是很会卖口乖和 Cheeky 的一位大男孩,加上拥有音乐才华,很难不会让女生怦然心动吧?


在这个环节里,我很喜欢他只唱了半首复歌的”醉赤壁”,让人听得如痴如醉。方文山的歌词搭配中国风的旋律和JJ 那极其优美的高音,很柔和,就像一阵微风掠过。 凄美动人,且令人久久无法忘怀。

This is probably the next best thing to watching NDP. In case you missed, it, there were fans waving our national flag!

A moment of pride and glory.


但大合唱是最温暖人心的。还有那男女观众+ JJ 合唱版的”小酒窝”。

JJ说他新加坡的男粉多不多,想听听他们的声音。结果整个场子就回响着低沉的欢呼声。那回响顿时让大众都哈哈大笑。 JJ 也不时暗笑。

女生们的呐喊分贝当然是比较高的,高到连 JJ都求饶。

演唱会是会有好几段 JJ 把 Mic 递向观众席时的画面,但观众首首歌曲都能接得上。
不管是经典K歌, 比较冷门或新的歌曲,观众都能大声合唱。 可见他们不是来串门子的。

最印象深刻的是在演唱”可惜没如果”时那超大声的大合唱,而且JJ就闭上眼, 张开双臂,身体跟着蠕动着。那就是种爽翻和自我陶醉,超级享受,沉浸在全场大合唱的氛围中的表情。

当 JJ 一一念出歌迷们灯牌上写他们来自世界各地的名称时, 会令人会心一笑的是,你会看到”Serangoon, Punggol, Jurong” 等地区。


Thanks to the power of social media, with viral videos of him performing on “中国好声音”, belting to hits after hits, with his music re-arrangements and musical talent + vocals, camaraderie with his counterparts, it helps people to know more about him in just a few minutes.


JJ称他的乐队为本地美食”Rojak”,因为不难发现他的团队里有好几位西洋乐手和吉它手这也充分地显像了新加坡人能够和不同国家和种族的人们一起合作的 versatility。

西洋音乐教父 David Foster 除了担任演唱会的音乐总监,也担任这场演唱会的特别嘉宾。

虽然无法听见 JJ 演唱 Celine Dion 的经典名曲”All By Myself”, 但能听见他演唱 All-4-One的 “I swear”,也是喜出望外。


JJ希望大家都能找到心里和梦想里的”圣所” – 一个能为大家带来正能量的地方。




He’s a more confident and seasoned singer-songwriter now, who’s ready to take on bigger challenges, in leaving footprints around the world.

All the best to you conquering the world and fellow Singaporeans, Please continue to show your unwavering support to our homegrown singers!Read More →

Mission Impossible 6: Fallout, is undeniably the “Best of the Franchise” (they say), and Tom cruises on steadily. This is a total blown away, much more than a visual treat.

It’s so insanely heart palpitating, eyes popping & jaw drooping exciting that leaves you no chance for boredom throughout the intensely packed 2 hour 28 min movie, weaving through land, water and air with out-of-this-world action scenes.

Christopher McQuarrie & Tom Cruise lapped the MI series yet to another, higher level. The intensity built up scene after scene, left you gasping for more, yet it left you wondering if they could even take it further than the previous intense scene.

The scenes seemed so outrageously REAL that I had no doubt there were NO stunt doubles.

All death defying stunts were performed by the actors, especially Tom Cruise whom we have no doubt is a perfectionist, but he’s got this perfectionist streak with a suicidal instinct.

From doing a HALO jump from the plane 100 times just to perfect that scene, breaking his ankle while he was trying to jump across the building, the motorcycle chase scenes in Paris and London where he was weaving through the narrow streets, the helicopter chase scene and mountain scaling scenes in Kashmir, Cruise shows that he’s giving all that he’s got, not even holding back 1%.

You can’t help but to applaud his professionalism, perfectionism plus pure insanity as an actor, entertainer and stuntman.

Best known for his roles in “Top Gun”, “Interview with the Vampire” and definitely his role as Ethan Hunt in the Mission Impossible series, Tom Cruise has re-written the word “Impossible” to POSSIBLE. He would go to great lengths to bring such remarkable cinematic experience for the movie goers.

Bounds of possibilities and surprises await the audience, as they are in for a sumptuous movie treat. It’s been 2 decades since the 56-year old Tom Cruise took on the role of IMF Agent, Ethan Hunt, but it seems, he’s not gonna slow it down anytime soon.

Just how can anyone be still so alluringly charismatic at the age of 56?

Not many people in their 20s or 30s may be able to hold out such physical exhaustion, let alone someone in his mid 50s. His mental strength and perseverance is something we need to look up to.

Most would think that MI6 should act as the finale for Tom Cruise’s journey as Ethan Hunt after a long 22 years. For one, we couldn’t imagine how else they can break through the high standards set by MI6. BUT I’m sure we are all hoping that he will return with something bigger and better than this.

Because we can tell, he has no intention to call it quits yet.

And truly, only he could make all this possible.

Without such insane dedication and pride in his work, topped up with that perfectionist streak of suicidal instinct, he couldn’t have made such a great action movie.

I especially loved the helicopter chase scenes through the fluffy clouds & snowy mountains in Norway. It was absolutely breathtaking.

There was time for us to marvel at the awesome treats that Mother Nature brings us while keeping glued to our seats.

The hanging-by-a-thread mountain scaling attempts would probably leave your palms in cold sweat as you watched Ethan Hunt and August Walker fight it out.

It might be cliché, but all ladies love “bad boys”, to a certain extent. What greater pleasure is it than Henry Cavill, who’s better known as Superman, the Man of Steel as the villain in MI6. He holds such a big role that MI6 would be less interesting if he wasn’t cast. He adds so much spice, excitement and visual pleasure to the movie.

Be it fighting alongside Ethan Hunt in the “toilet fight” scene, the motorcycle chase scenes or fighting against Ethan Hunt in the “Helicopter” chase scene, August Walker captured much attention as the antagonist, who wanted to blow up the world with Lane.

Rebecca Ferguson, who reprises her role as the kick-ass, Ilsa Faust, does bring a more refreshing mood to the male-dominated movie. She’s a female lead who’s capable of not just saving her own ass, but also more than capable to save Ethan Hunt from harm.

There’s still a pretty much mysterious aura about her, where you would wonder if she was a friend or a foe in reality.

Vanessa Kirby’s role as the White Widow was alluring, with some slick action scenes and that “Poison Ivy” appeal, but she didn’t get to showcase much with limited screen time.

Compassion for his friends is his biggest weakness but while Ethan risks his life to save millions, he never loses sight of any individual/ team mates.
And only such a personality would be able to save mankind.

While most action movies would leave very little time for emotional scenes or love lines, we do get quite a bit of earnest acting from Tom.

The emotional trauma and turmoil he still has to go through after so many years of fighting and killing is illustrated so aptly; whereby he wakes from his nightmares with the complicated mix of fear, trauma, anxiety, guilt, remorse and feelings of loss, written so explicitly over his face.

The one woman who is always on his mind is his ex-wife, Julia Meade.

He was able to set himself free because of what Julia said. “I’m here where I should be, and so are you”.

It’s a realization that she is happy at where she should be, the same goes for Ethan.

You would definitely walk out of the cinema gushing over the adrenaline contentment and looking forward to the next sequel.

No one else can portray the role of Ethan Hunt better than Tom Cruise.

There’s a reason why he’s still one of the most popular actors in Hollywood.

We are already looking forward to MI7.Read More →