Derrick Back to 19 Live (3 Sep 17) – Back to Basics, Simplicity at its Best, 回到最初的原点

It’s a well-thought out, simple but impactful gig, for Derrick Hoh to bid farewell to the current phase of his music career, before he embarks on the next phase to embrace new challenges. It was a cosy but intimate, heartfelt sharing session, which connected the home-grown singer with his fans.

The concept of this mini concert should be “Back to Basics, Simplicity at its Best”, with no frills no thrills but 满满的诚意和感谢。


还记得12年前的自己是什么模样吗? 当时的自己怀抱着什么梦想和理想?

现在的你, 已实现了你的梦想, 依然追寻着, 还是已经放弃了呢?

It hasn’t been 一眨眼 for Derrick Hoh, but yester-year scenes of “Project Superstar” flashing across our minds did not seem to be more than a decade ago. The little chipmunk back then has grown and matured over the years, yet still keeping his 初衷.

If you ask me, I see him as another fellow Singaporean who’s striving hard for his dreams and he is not too much different from any of us. He’s humble and it does draw strangers to him too.

还记得”绝对 Superstar” 时, 许多评判都说他唱歌像是嘴里含着糖一样。


听他唱着这些歌, 脑海里会有许多回忆浮现。 His voice is still as soothing and gentle to the ears. 不是一定要卖弄特别的歌唱技巧才会让人听出耳油。


I wouldn’t call myself a fan (depends how you define one) but 第一届的 “绝对 Superstar” 是我追看的唯一一届 and my favourite contestant was definitely Derrick Hoh. My most favourite song that he sang during the competition was “很想你”.


I have watched his performances at Project Superstar Grand Finals and Yes 933项目金曲奖in 2013 and also attended his 1st Album Autograph Session “无法归类”at Bukit Panjang Plaza in 2008.

While I may not be following his news very closely over the years, whenever he pops new singles or OST songs, I would still 去听一听 and feel happy for his achievements.

Since it’s been such a long time, I decided to go for this gig.

All was good but hope that the next gig could be at somewhere with seating =P. 姐姐年纪也不小了,不是很耐站那么久。I actually missed the gig last year, so hopefully we can have annual gigs?

There were about 15 or more songs in the set list today, whereby he sang some of his new and old songs and also songs from fellow Warner Music colleagues, who have helped him along the way.

Songs (not in exact sequence):

为梦想闪耀, 晴天, 柠檬甜甜的, 做你的他, 换我爱你,假装不了, 当我知道你们相爱,每时每刻,变化,All I want….

张惠妹的 我恨我爱你 was one of his competition songs that did not get full broadcast on TV. Oh yes, I do remember that.

He covered one of his idols, Brian McKnight’s “Just Me” and felt that this song is made for him.

He also mentioned that he enjoyed being the opening act for 萧敬腾 and also running promotions with 方大同 and how 罗志祥 took good care of him.

 He chose the respective songs to convey his gratitude to them: 方大同的 Love Song, 萧敬腾的 原谅我,  罗志祥的我不會唱歌

It’s a pleasant surprise to hear “克罗地亚的天空” during the Encore segment as that was his composition in his 1st album.

The last song was all-time favourite “你走天桥,我走地下道”

他在演唱每首歌之前都会分享一些自己的小故事。说着说着,这位大男孩眼里开始泛着泪。听他轻描淡写的娓娓道出这些年来的心路历程,吃过的苦, 感受到的迷惘,怀疑自己,失恋(结束了爱情长跑)的和学着看开,再为自己开拓不同的道路。。。你也会不禁跟着鼻酸。

其实做人就是那么简单。 开心就笑, 伤心就哭, 跌倒了就再怕起来,没什么大不了的。

事业不顺遂,质疑自己的能力和失恋 – 其实都是许多人的写照。 虽然在镁光灯下的生活必定很有压力,但同样的,也能获得许多人的支持,从中得到能量。

不是人际关系不好,而是不擅长于讨好别人。 就像他说的,做自己还是最好,也最自然的。


朋友不需要多, 能交心的有几个就够了。

最穷努力打拼的时候,是自己最快乐的一段时光 Doesn’t this sound a lot like many people’s stories? 如果能做自己喜欢做的事情,再辛苦也是值得的。 快乐其实也可以那么简单。

许多歌手都会说些冠冕堂皇的话,但你是真的可以感受到他的真诚 when he said, 对他来说,当歌手的价值就是他的歌迷们。只要还有人喜欢听他唱歌,就算再辛苦,他还是会坚持下去。


要离乡背井,寄人篱下的生活,已不容易, 还要学着如何玩演艺圈的生存游戏。


虽然在现实层面上,你一定要达到一定的销售量才有可能出下一张专辑, 但我认为。。身为歌手,还要有那份心唱给喜欢他的歌曲的人听,感动他们,才算成功。


我也相信,这是当人们对自己有质疑或感到疲惫,裹足不前时, 最大的原动力。 We all need to know that there will always be people who back us up, not just family and friends but colleagues, etc etc or even fans in this case.

Life is never easy, but it would be bittersweet if you just press on a little longer and you may get a pleasant surprise.

所谓,山不转路转, 路不转人转。。

或许尝试演戏,和创作的他,会为自己开拓不一样的道路。 只要不放弃最热爱的歌唱,多点新尝试又何乐而不为呢? 也能乘机丰富自己的人生历练。



Too bad that photography and videography wasn’t allowed. We do understand copyright issues and professional photographers would do a better job, but sometimes if you look from another perspective, it would also be free and good publicity if audiences can share out some snips of these performances to reach out to more people. Maybe restrict to like 1st 2 or last 2 songs?

I’m sorry about the quality of the pictures here but yeap, it’s just to get a feel. I guess there should be some official vids coming up soon.

I like how there’s also the option for autograph and photo-taking session, whereby we can keep as memories.

Well, sincerity can be felt.

It’s not just a chance for Derrick to express his thanks to his supporters but also for his fans to be able to give him some encouragement and support while giving him a pat on the back. I wished him an advance Happy Birthday.

Opportunities come to those who are well prepared long enough.

I believe that all the hardships and obstacles you have been through are definitely to prepare you to become stronger.

虽然属不同公司,但我想引用我最爱的乐团 – 五月天的 “顽固” 来鼓励何维健。

我身在 当时你 幻想的 未来里
这个狂热和冲动 早已冷却的如今
你顽固 的神情 消失在 镜子里
只留下 时光消逝的痕迹

每颗心 的相信 每个人 的际遇
每个故事的自己 反复地问著自己
这些年 让步的 你是否 会叹息
有什么 是你永远不放弃?

一次一次你 吞下了泪滴
一次一次 拼回破碎自己
一天一天你 是否还相信
活在你心深处 那顽固自己

你追逐 你呼吸 你嚣张 的任性
鼻青脸肿的哭过 若无其事的忘记
如果你 能预知 这条路 的陷阱
我想你 依然错得很过瘾

走过的 叫足迹 走不到 叫憧憬
学会收拾起叛逆 学会隐藏了表情
卸下了 这面具 我想说 谢谢你
谢谢你 一路陪我到这里

你当时相信 的那些事情
会在如今 变成美丽风景
每当我迟疑 从不曾忘记
活在我心深处 那顽固的自己

Thanks for the heartfelt performance.

Jiayou, my favourite little chipmunk from Project Superstar~

We’ll see you around and looking forward to more works from you!

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