“Vincenzo” is one of the most popular 2021 Netflix hits that sweeps the world by storm, with its refreshing twist to a dark comedy theme. Even when the drama has ended its run in May, the lingering after-effects still remain strong.

Other than the thrilling and intriguing plot, mind-boggling script filled with unexpected twists and turns and cinematic action scenes, “Vincenzo” has bestowed upon us many wise, meaningful and thought-provoking quotes that taught us valuable life lessons.

No sugarcoating, just plain, hard facts in life, that are so painfully relatable.

所谓“一语惊醒梦中人”。May this be a timely wake-up call to re-look at the principles, people and things who matter in our lives.

We have compiled some of our favourite quotes that may allow you to do some reflection. You may be inspired to make some changes in your life too, with these quotes to live by.

Stay tuned for the drama review coming up soon!


1) 别做后悔的事,后悔是人世间最残酷的炼狱。/后悔是在活着时经历的最严酷的地狱。

Don’t do things that you will regret. Regret is the most painful thing in life. It’s a living hell.

2) 在没有胜算的战场上,放弃也是一种机会。当你钻进死胡同,最明智的做法就是离开那里。

Giving up on a hopeless war will give you a new opportunity. It is the wisest choice to leave when you are being forced to a dead end.

3) 无知不是罪,拒绝学习才是罪恶。

Ignorance isn’t a sin, but refusing to learn is.

4) 机会是只有拥有资格的人才有的

Opportunities are only meant for those who are worthy of them.

5) 最强的一击往往都是从后袭击的。这是更有效的方式,因为对手会倍感耻辱。

The strongest punch comes from behind. If You Win, its more effective because your opponent is humiliated.

6) 虽然飞来的刀可以避开,但无法避开隐藏起来的刀。

You can dodge a flying dagger, but not a stab from the back.

7) 虽然痛苦是有极限的,”恐惧”却是无止境的 。
While there’s a threshold for pain, fear is limitless.

8) 我们不是弱者,而是不愿意变强大的人。
We aren’t weak, we just refuse to become stronger.

9) 自己越是脆弱,命运会变得越是沉重。命运在勇敢的人面前弱,在懦弱的人面前强。

Fate will hit you harder when you are weak. The weaker you are, the heavier your fate.
We become who we want to be. If you think that you are strong, you will become formidable.

10) 失败始于恐惧。
Defeat stems from fear.

11) 贪欲只是带来痛苦的祸根。
Greed is the root of pain.

12) 人类战胜不了贪欲的。战胜贪欲的,只是更大的贪欲而已。
Human beings cannot overcome their greed. The only thing greater than greed is bigger greed.

13) 你可以盖住火苗,却藏不住烟雾。
It’s easy to hide the fire, but not the smoke.

14) 守护我的不是枪和刀,是我的脑。记住了。

It’s not the guns and swords that protect you, it’s your brains. Keep that in mind.

15) 别人的眼泪尝不出来咸味。没有感到咸味,就不会心疼。
You would not be able to feel another person’s pain, for you could not taste their tears.

16) 找到真正的”朋友”,就等于找到”宝藏”。
To find a true friend is like finding a treasure.

17) 朋友是息在两栖副躯体的同一灵魂。
Friends are like one soul in two bodies.

18) 孩子射向父母的箭,没有一发式例外的,到最后都会后悔。不要做后悔的事,因为后悔是在显示中经历的最严酷的地狱。

All the criticisms that children give their parents will come back as regrets. Don’t do something that you will regret. Regret is the most painful thing in life.

19) 用谎言看待事实,看事实的眼光就会变弱。

Your foresight will weaken when you embrace deception as part of reality.

20) 聪明人会察觉到对手是否软弱。
A smart person knows when their opponent is weak.

21) 敌人的敌人就是我的朋友。
The enemy of my enemy is a friend.

22) 大家说沉默是金,但恶人的沉默只是在酝酿更多的罪恶。

People often say that “silence is golden”, but a villain’s silence only means contemplating more evil acts.

23) 恶既牢固又广阔。
Evil is prevalent and vehement.

24) ‘Un diavolo scaccia l’altro.’
恶魔折磨恶魔/ A devil punishes another devil.

25) 面对背叛太过于意气用事的话,会吃亏的是我们。越是严重的背叛,就要越慎重的应对。

Don’t be too rash when dealing with betrayal for you will be at the losing end.
The greater the betrayal, the more you have to deal with it prudently.

26) 反省不是嘴上说的,是做事的时候一直维持的。
Self reflection is sustained by your actions, not words.

27) 绝对不要因为敌人的地位高就畏缩,要强势且认为他们好欺负的对待他们。
Don’t let your opponents’ social status intimidate you. Be strong and act like you’re their equal.

28) 年纪不是头衔,而是责任。
Age isn’t about seniority. All age does is give you a lot of responsibilities.

29) 生命对每个存在来说,是种礼物。
Every life is a precious gift.

30) 我们这里有一颗苹果。这边烂了,而这边没有烂。一半烂了,一半还能吃。那么这个苹果是不是烂苹果呢?

If an apple is half-rotten and half-edible, then is the apple rotten or not? We don’t call the apple as half-rotten and half-edible, but we called it a rotten apple” .
Even if righteous prosecutors exist, the corrupted organization is still considered a “rotten apple”.

31) 恶党没有谈情说爱的资格。爱也需要资格的。伤害他人或者容易给别人伤害的人,是绝对不能去谈情说爱的。对那种人来说,爱情只是装饰而已。

Villains do not have the right to love. Those who often inflict pain to others, have no right to love another.

32) 如果掉进敌人的陷阱了,那必须要在彻底踩进沼泽前脱身。
You need to escape before you sink deeper into the enemy’s trap.

33) 将握在自己手中的对方的弱点,当作武器来使用。对待他们就像是父母的仇人一样,就像再也不会见面一样。

Turn your opponents’ weakness into your weapon. Treat them like enemies whom you will never meet again.

34) 虽然拥有这个世界的都是聪明的人,但守护这个世界的人,都是像我这样鲁莽且不懂变通的人。

Smart people may rule the world, but reckless and stubborn people like me protect it.

35) 恶棍为了抓住恶棍的把柄制造的,只有恶棍才能使用。

Only villains can deploy the traps they have set for those on the same level.

36) 毫无痛苦的死亡是祝福。我以后送给你们两样东西 。比死还要可怕到底的羞耻心,以及蕴含着痛苦,慢慢感受的死亡。

A painless death is a blessing. I will send you gifts that are more frightening than death – sense of shame & a slow, painful death.

37) 法律就像蜘蛛网一样,还有耐久性是已经定好了的。虽然强劲的马蜂们会穿透并逃出来,软弱的苍蝇们会被捆住并死去。但是聚在这里的苍蝇们,都在把马蜂和蜘蛛网撕碎。

The law is like a spider web: It has limited durability. Strong wasps will tear it apart and fly away, but weak flies end up dead on the spider web. The flies in this plaza join forces and we are biting off everything, whether it’s a wasp or a spider web.

38) 惩罚那种人,没有最佳的法律,也不存在响应的法律,所以我才跟随了你较坏的做法,因为我认为那是正确的。

There is no best or appropriate law to punish such an evil person. I went along with your idea, because I felt that it was right.

39) 作为一个恶人的立场告诉你吧。我最不害怕的对象,就是只靠嘴喊口号的政治人和政府官员。

A villain is not afraid of politicians or governors, or those who rant about justice.
I am the most fearful of angry civilians who would appear at my doorstep with baseball bats after I hurt their companions.

40) 犯下了太多业报,不管多悔改都很难成为佛祖,不过还请您成为罗刹与夜叉,为众生斗争吧。即便无法成为佛祖,也可以偶尔听到佛祖的称赞。

Having committed too much sins, it is tough for you to attain Nirvana no matter how repentant you are.
But please do not stop fighting for the good of mankind and stop those evildoers. You may still earn occasional compliments from the Buddha.

Main Drama Review:


Vincenzo – An Oddly Satisfying Dark Hero Theme That Channels Our Innate Evil

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