Drama Review: 超時空男臣 – A General, a Scholar and a Eunuch – 脑里的记忆会随着时光流逝,但心里的回忆涟漪依然荡存着

Main Cast:

萧正楠 Edwin Siu – 袁崇焕/云大军

田蕊妮 Kristal Tin -方惠芝

王君馨 Grace Wong – 汪以珊(Sandy)/郭倩

曹永廉 Raymond Cho – 左光斗/冯一波

何广沛  Matthew Ho – 李进忠/魏忠贤/李小冬

朱晨丽 Rebecca Zhu -方惠玲

Ratings for the Show:

Acting: 8.5

Storyline: 8.5

Overall: 8.5

Grade: A-

Is it 超時空男臣 or 超时空男神?

If it’s a combination of the 3 leads, 大军的行侠仗义,武功超逸,一波的聪明绝顶,和有小冬那温柔细心的个性和那厨艺。。 我想,那就是所谓真正的”男神”。 但有这三位男臣的大小姐,就同等于借住了男神的力量,凡事都能逢凶化吉。

While time travel dramas (be it to the ancient times or future) may not be something new, “超時空男臣” which just ended its broadcast in Hong Kong last week, raved in ratings of 30 towards the ending few episodes. Having just binged-watch the drama for the last few days, the ending still has its lingering post-withdrawal syndromes on me. Like many viewers, I hope they can have some other ending but at the same time, there may be hopes of a sequel.

Am so going to miss 袁崇焕/云大军 & 大小姐, 左光斗/冯一波 & 汪以珊/太子妃, 小冬 & 二小姐 & everyone from 凤鸣居.. Oh yes and that “大海无量”.

It’s definitely one of my more favourite time travel dramas in recent years. It’s a 4-in-1 drama with history, fantasy, comedy and romance.

除了有亲情,爱情,友情和许多笑话外, “超时空男臣”还有港剧很擅长的 Office politics, 也有令人想不到的故事情节,所以你也没什么发闷的闲暇时间。两个仇家”凤鸣居”&”天朝”的吵吵闹闹,其实也蛮逗趣的。 搞笑部分有三人因为初到现代而看剧集学习现代礼节时, 误以为要让别人消气就要和对方嘴对嘴亲吻,把手机误当成神奇小盒子,也有他们从电影学以致用的”无间道”。

虽然”爱情”这环节在这部剧里, 拍得比较含蓄点 (因为不是典型的 Romance Drama), 但其实不洒狗血,委婉的日久生情的细水长流,比偶像剧般的还较贴切我们的生活。


Well, we also learn that sometimes life can never be fair. Some people are born with a golden spoon and do not appreciate what they have but bully others or abuse their authority. There are also some people who are born with poorer backgrounds and they had to be “servants” or be at the lowest level of the corporate chain.

But definitely, only we have the power to change our lives.

当你以为这明朝三傻只是为了帮凤鸣居而在茶楼里帮忙20多集,那就错了。 他们会随着故事的延续而有所大变身,升级为天朝的主管层, 还有如何利用他们三人的优势,能武的就当上保镳,能文的就当上管理层, 能煮的就当总厨。。 太子妃也当上了当红明星。自小在御膳房的小李子厨艺了得,在现代变成了小厨神。


There are some spoilers about this pair, so skip on to the next if you don’t wish to know yet.




There’s no doubt that 田蕊妮’s dramas are nice and both of them collaborated in “巨轮 II”, so there’s definitely camaraderie between them.


食古不化的袁崇焕/云大军, 就是那种愚忠的角色。明知是陷阱或死路,还是要一意孤行,勇往直前,所以就会觉得这个人”硬棒棒”的。他为人虽古板,但很讲义气。那份”肝胆相照”或许是现代人欠缺的。

堪会算账& calculative 的大小姐却一直无法算清她和云大军的这笔情债。他们俩的个性比较豪迈也豪爽,所以很会互相照应。两个都是面子薄和倔强的人, 大军又比较迟钝,所以虽然两人都很在乎对方,也为了对方做了许多事情,却就是没人先说出口。 而且大军根本就是一个爱情白痴,对于感情的敏感度简直是个零。

爱情并非要惊天动地才能刻骨铭心, 有些时候它已在你的行径表露无疑。

看到最后一幕,你还会真是于心不忍呀。。 为何是这样的结局咧?


It’s literally OH MY GOSH! WHY! *smacks forehead*


左光斗/冯一波 & 太子妃

王君馨把一名市侩,有心机, 爱做作的女明星演得很好。 她很明白成名的代价,也会不时耍心机,让自己上头版,以增加曝光律。她和一波的感情就是那种青梅竹马,却因为被钦点为太子妃而作罢。但来到了现代,她要当一位能规划自己未来,自己作主的现代女性,当然不想回返明朝。但一波一直都躲避她,  他又怎能欺君犯上呢?




二小姐 & 李进忠/魏忠贤/李小冬

The one loveline that will really make you swoon, have butterflies flying in your stomach like puppy love, yet feeling the pain of无可奈何 is definitely of小冬 & 二小姐.


比较柔和和 Man 的二小姐其实是个很 Cute 的野蛮女友搭配。 因为小冬原本就是服侍主子的御膳房小太监,他也习惯唯命是听,当自己是个下人。 原本只是闹着玩的二小姐却动了真情,但小冬又不能和她说出自己的真实身分。。 到最后东窗事发后, 看了真令人虐心呀。。。。 不过你会很喜欢他们之间的互动。

Andrew Ho is typically a cutie 小鲜肉 that has gotten many females swooning. He’s got a 温文尔雅的气质 & very 柔 voice, which fits the role as an Eunuch perfectly.

**Spoiler alert**

If you are intending to watch the drama, then please do not read on for the ending.

There are several endings that we can always think of when relating to time travel dramas. Usually, the people will either return to the era where they come from so they don’t affect history, or they will stay in the new era and have a happy ending. Nonetheless, we know very well that we may get an ending like the one here whereby they will want to return to where they come from, BUT what about they love they have here?

Would their loved ones forget them, miss them or totally did not know of their existence?

Well, if you ask me, I guess there should be a sequel since the cast really got along well and had a pretty fun time filming, while the audience also super love the drama.

It’s pretty possible since we do have sequels like some other very well-loved dramas as well.

If there is a sequel, we hope they keep the original cast though.

Thanks for the 32 episodes of letting us go through love that transcends dimensions and eras.


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