A Concert Lover’s Diary of Concerts, Live Gigs, Dramas, Movies, etc….

An avid concert lover, or you can call me a Concertholic.

Livevizlife, in other words, means that live gigs are pretty much a big part of my life.

I simply love basking in the “Live” atmosphere. It makes your adrenaline rush and feel very much alive and relaxed at the same time. No one moment could be repeated and it is interesting to note how you feel at every moment of the live gig.

Am more skewed towards the Asian Entertainment Scene, thus most of the concerts I attended are mainly the Chinese, Cantonese and Korean ones.

Having attended many live concerts over the years and have penned many reviews or after thoughts, it makes sense to consolidate them as a “concert diary”. Thus the articles are usually more detailed.

Perspectives may differ, please read with a pinch of salt.

As they say, pictures say a thousand words and it is interesting how every shutter of that split second, could jolt your memory and feelings back to the exact moment.

The experience and takeaway from attending live concerts is definitely invaluable.

My favourite bands/singers are Mayday, Sammi Cheng, Nicholas Tse, Super Junior, C.N Blue, Ayumi Hamasaki, Namie Amuro, etc.

Favourite Concerts of all Time:

  • 五月天 “你要去哪里?” 新加坡演唱会 2001
  • Super Junior “Super Show 4” Singapore
  • 五月天 “Re:Live Just Rock It” “你要去哪里?” 复刻版 2016 – 台北站
  • 五月天 “Re:Live Just Rock It” “十万青年站出来” 复刻版 2016 – 台北站

Stay tuned for some of the latest concert, fan meet, drama, movie reviews!