There is nothing really crazy, fanciful or dreamy about “Crazy Romance”, as compared to similar genre theme movies like “My Sassy Girl”.

The only crazy element here is what the leads would do when they get drunk.

It is very much about the ordinary love lives of people in their mid or late 30s, that you may see a little of yourself or your peers in the characters.

Gone is the warm, fuzzy feeling with butterflies flying in your stomach when you reach that age. No more fantasies, but it doesn’t mean less drama in our lives. We ought to be able to deal with breakups better due to our life experiences.

Is that the case when it comes to matters of the heart?

As we would typically term “age is just a number”, but it doesn’t equate to increasing maturity as we age, when it comes to dealing with things that our hearts cannot cope with.

The storyline is a little bland, because it is a portrayal of the lives of ordinary people. There is literally no climax, but there are scenes or incidents which we can relate to.

Kim Rae Won and Gong Hyo Jin are not your typical good-looking Korean celebs, but we can’t deny how they have captivated our hearts with their acting all these years. They make it work again with their on-screen camaraderie and acting abilities.

The protagonists are in their mid 30s, who have had their fair shares of bad breakups and are the complete opposite of each other.

Sun Young believes that once a relationship is over and done with, it is over, while Jae Hoon believes that there may still be a tinge of hope for rekindling the relationship for it is never easy to start or end one.

There are a couple of things that this movie is trying to address, about cyber bullying, shaming others, the toxicity at work environment when the gossipmongers enjoy spreading rumours and also how the current generation relies on instant messaging apps like Whatsapp or KakaoTalk to communicate more than talking to one another.

You would rather type message to one another even if you are just a few metres away in actual physical proximity.

It also addresses the following topics with regards to the use of social media:
– Toxic spreading of rumours/gossips via social media, including an ex posting fake news and your particulars on internet
– Replying to the wrong group chats
– Texting an ex nonstop to rant about his/her misgivings

We have heard and seen a fair share of Korean celebrities ending up in suicides due to the relentless bashing of netizens. It is an unforgiving universe in the cyber world, where everyone just hides behind their keyboards and type all they want irresponsibly. It is an avenue for them to release their stress but also to unleash their evil side, to talk bad about others openly.

While freedom of speech is important, we need to be more mindful of not just our opinions, but how it would affect the receiving party.

We often hear about others’ doings, be it right or wrong, from the mouths of other people. But how often do we seek to verify the truth or think twice before we disseminate this information to a third party?

Gong Hyo Jin is conferred the “Queen of Rom-Coms”, while many ladies would envy her for all the charming male leads she has as partners. There’s a very likable vibe about her and you would feel happy and comfortable to watch her act. Kim Rae Won has not taken on a “comedic” genre drama or movie for the longest time. It has been 22 years but he gets more charismatic as he ages. I literally can’t say No to any of his works.

While it is an open ending, for there is no guarantee that two heartbroken souls would find solace in each other and live happily ever after.

Isn’t that the same in real life?

We fumble and stumble along the way, we fall and break, but we try to pick ourselves up and be a better me.

We forge on, even if venturing into the unknown future.

what the director wishes to convey through this movie is for people who have been hurt before, to learn to be brave and continue to believe in love.

Love is not just about the lovey-dovey moments and sweet nothings, but it is also about seeing through the hard times together as we learn more about our partner and ourselves through this process.

So here’s one for those who have been hurt and hope that they could believe in love again, and also for those who are in love, to continue to love in their most 真切 ways.

The most ordinary love may not sound as “exciting” than short-lived 轰轰烈烈 romances, but they are worth a lifetime to upkeep that marathon.
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众所期盼的Super Junior第9张正规专辑”Time Slip”,除了告知王者正式回归,专辑也散发着浓郁的温馨情怀。




9辑命名为”Time Slip”有着深远的意义。试问,人生有几次可以重来?

这次的专辑概念有80年代的复古,和90年代的 Hip Hop 元素,但又让人有回到初恋时的感觉。这很适合老少年们想重拾初心的感觉。有种像和”初恋”的ELF,在久别重逢后谈一次纯纯的恋爱。

专辑散发巨大的能量,有SJ俏皮的一面,也充分地展现了K.R.Y优异的声线。如今分配歌唱部分,一点也不牵强,也为歌曲都加了很多分和元素变化。曲风也结合了Retro Pop, R&B, Funky Music的原素。





9辑里尽量让每位团员都有独唱部分,让他们有机会展示自己是歌手的一面。这不再是专属主唱们的privilege, 而是 team effort. 他们想证明自己是优质的唱跳歌手。

小编最喜欢的有”The Crown”, “Somebody New”, “Stay with Me”, “Show”。一张专辑的曲目编排很重要,尤其第一首会为接下来的歌曲奠定某种既定印象。

“The Crown”除了燃起了他们和ELF们的斗志,也会让遇到挫折的我们不放弃,充满 Energy地迎接来临的接挑战。

这首歌是对全世界宣告王者回归,而他们将继续稳坐在卫冕者的宝座上,成为屹立不倒的”Last Man Standing”. Super Junior “韩流帝王”的美誉,会继续传承下去。


他们大声地向世界宣示”I’m Ready for you now”.

“The Crown”让SJ充分展露各自的拿手绝活。 团员各自的演唱部分也充斥整首歌曲,不管是唱或Rap都拿捏地恰到好处。


圭贤在用假音+电音效果唱复歌前的那段”无限的energy 再次充满电 撼动一切 “,加上和厉旭的”This is our time, let our light shine”, 再两人交替的高音复歌,真的让人点燃斗志。

“SUPER Clap” 专属SJ的复古风和掺杂所有Dance Pop元素的舞曲。成员们在演唱和rap部分,都能呈现很清新利落的feel。


若你有看到他的Animated Motions Graphics MV,就会发现他们的舞蹈包括了好玩的构思,也完美地呈现90年代的精髓。利特在独舞时经典的90年代经典的”Slamdunk”灌篮动作。他们边移动身体,边慢慢转圈,边拍手的动作,也很90年代。还有一段圭贤模仿邱比特拔弓,射出爱神的箭,团员们一一接着爱心的画面,即滑稽又复古。

This song just grows on you.

起初小编也觉得强劲的”Game”较为适合当主打,但”SUPER Clap” 的确更耐听。

这首歌曲可让他们和歌迷们在演唱会上有许多互动。除了一起摇摆身体,groove to the music, 还能边挥舞着Subong,边拍手。

既”Mamacita”,”Lo Siento”等拉丁舞曲后,”I Think I”是打入拉丁市场的另一力作。这首中版舞曲歌应该是专辑里头最琅琅上口的吧? 听了几遍后,大家应该都不难亨出旋律。这就能很快达到成功的营销策略的效果,因为传承度会较高。复歌的”We can dance” 重复了许多遍,听久了会误以为歌名是”We Can Dance”。

虽然没像”No Other”直接点名是献给歌迷的,但”眼明耳快”的人,都可以确认 “Somebody New”是献给团员和歌迷们的一首歌曲。




We get lost along the way & sometimes we do not even recognise the person in the mirror. You need to come to terms with the person you know & that stranger in the mirror.
Because, they are both part of “you”.

重点在最后两行: “虽然不是完美的旅程 仍然在一起才最重要, 就算我依然是我 你也还是你 那又怎样”



All they need is to embrace the good and flaws of one another, including themselves.



“Show”翻唱金元俊的名曲,但搭配MV里”Super Show 7″的剪辑片断,和SJ成员和ELF们共度的欢乐时光,就变成专属SJ的味道。




“SHOW” 承载了他们这么多年,120多场的 Super Show, 和歌迷相处的时光,以及酸甜苦辣。


艺声在SS8之前为团员准备的戒指上刻着”Thank you and love, always”, 里头则刻着”20051106 – 2019 ing”。





以小编的见解,这首歌的 Hidden Meaning 是: “The show must go on, The show will go on”.









因为好的作品值得和更多人分享,不要白费老少年们的一番苦心。=)Read More →