Lee Joon Gi “Thank You” Asia Tour Singapore – 4 Mar 2017

This is possibly one of the best ranges of photos I’ve ever taken at any event. It’s quite nice to see how pretty the photos turn out based on how you view someone from your perspective.

Lee Joon Gi started off as the effeminate clown in “King & The Clown” that took Asia by storm in 2005, but it is only after he became the King in “Scarlet Heart” 12 years later, then is he able to grace our shores. He’s been in the industry for 15 yrs. It’s been such a long wait that I had never expected him to come to SG.

He’s an actor whom we can have high expectations of. However, when it comes to singing and dancing, I didn’t hold high hopes & I felt it was much better than I expected. Sad to say, because he was invited here for a Music Festival, it is more of a mini concert style, thus no games with the fans.

Despite the many years he has in showbiz, he is still working pretty hard & appreciates his fans more than before. Looking at the way he tried to communicate 80% in English & all the energy he puts into this FM, it’s undoubtedly very sincere and professional. His translator was backstage and only helped to translate those more heartfelt feelings which his English is not good enough for him to explain for.

The stage, costumes, dancers ain’t anything lackluster. His dance moves are pretty good and impressive for a non-dancer. His singing is still in the acceptable range, for someone not trained professionally. There’s really nothing to lament about, except that the event was held outdoors. Everyone present would have felt the HEAT.

I already expected him going out of tune a little, especially with that cold. It wasn’t perfect but I think his hard work and Wu Xim-ness (Singlish meaning 用心) makes it up totally. At least he didn’t make blunders for his own songs.

He kept the crowd very entertained with many upbeat hits from Big Bang & Twice. He made the effort to sing some Chinese songs like 知足 and a customised song “Our Singapore” for the SG Fans.

It’s a fan meet that was put up with much thought and effort.  It was a concert, though of course we would appreciate if there were some games segments for more interaction.

What Joon Gi sent across to us that day was tonnes of bountiful energy, positivism, sincerity and joy.

The fan meet started with some of Joon Gi’s upbeat tracks such as “Lost Frame”, “Born Again” and “Bring Da Beat”. Oh wow, he had at least 8 dancers with him and the way he 登场 already felt like his personal concert.

He said that he was probably the first ever to hold an outdoor fan meet. He was very worried about doing a concert in the outdoors, at a golf course.

There he went reiterating that he is an actor, not a singer.

Then everyone went “Wang So! Wang So! Wang So!”.

All I can say is, he really enjoyed the response. Hur Hur.. Easily satisfied.


Well, this guy really knows how to liven the atmosphere and heat things up a little more.

I was very glad to have heard him sing his first ever single “One Word”, from 2006. They remixed it to an upbeat one. Too bad he dint sing “Foolish Love”.  I quite like his normal speaking voice. Singing wise is still not too bad, just that he probably needs to go for more professional singing courses to make it better.



He sang also sang “Thank You”,  “Ma Lady” & “Now”.


Other than acting, singing and dancing, I think he can host variety shows or do GAGs. He’s an entertainer and he could just blabber nonstop throughout the 2 hours. We were very amused by him, laughing nonstop. He said that he would have many more fine lines from laughing so much that night. Well well, we are sure he would still look very young even with that few more wrinkles. The title of “表情王” definitely belongs to him.

I guess everyone was waiting for Scarlet Heart’s ending theme song “For You”. With the MV scenes of Wang So and Hae Soo in the background, it would just evoke all your memories of that favourite drama.

There Mr Lee was lamenting for the 2nd time that it was just TOO HOT at the golf course and when he attempted to unbutton his shirt a little, the fans went into a frenzy.

And he asked, “What’s wrong with Singapore Fans?”..

Joon Gi ahh, I’m sure you pretty well know the reason. Ahem… He just loves to joke around and tease his fans. It’s tough to be bored around him.

We enjoyed the segments whereby he performed his renditions of “Sexy Back”, “I’m Yours” and also some DJ show.

One of the highlights was him dancing to Big Bang’s “Fantastic Baby”, “Good Boy” & “Bang Bang Bang”. It was an enjoyment watching him do all the dance tracks.

There he called it “Oppa, Joon Gi Style”, when he was dancing to Psy’s “Gangnam Style”.

The best was definitely Twice’s “TT””.

Seriously, I can’t think of anyone else who could do it better than Lee Joon Gi.

That 风骚,可爱的韵味 all in one, when he did his sleek moves, 扭腰摆臀的.  女生们都会自叹不如啊….


Speaking of which, how could we forget the Bonus Fan Service of him doing a “湿身秀”in slow motion? He was probably feeling too hot and wanted to have a bath on stage. Haha.. He just grabbed a bottle of mineral water and poured it over his head. Then he started doing a sexy dance.

Honestly, I think he can shoot some shampoo ads. I’m sure the products would sell really well!

And so ladies, the series of photos that has garnered much interest is as follows:


Once in a while, he suddenly started shouting “Ja” or “Cha” (I guess it means “And Then”) & everyone following and he suddenly 抓狂! Haha..

I was glad that he sang my favourite band, Mayday’s song. But at the same time, I couldn’t help but wonder why did he choose such a difficult song to “kill” himself literally? He went out of pitch and tune at the last part of 知足, that sent everyone, including himself, into a hysterical laughter.

He couldn’t stop laughing as the fans kept going “Oppa, 心痛”!

He 笑到久久不能自己 as it was so embarrassing + funny at the same time. So when the fans started shouting something together, he would 抓狂 and started 嘶吼… I guess he understood what it meant by 心痛” and it absolutely made no sense when he was just singing and people telling him that he’s having heartache. Haha.

Hahaha.. Jin Jia…. I think it’s fun to have him around parties. He’s a 名副其实的 Siao Lang & High 咖, which is so different from his solemn roles in dramas.

The fan meet ended with Together” and Joon Gi splashing water all around and throwing the hand towels from the FM to fans below the stage.

After thoughts:

I think it’s more of the overall experience with him and his fans that leaves more warmth than others. No game segments at all but it’s the sincerity that leaves u a deep impression.

Well, it’s been an interesting experience and I’m glad I went to attend his FM. Not just the fun and all but his fans are pretty nice as well.

For his first trip here, the FC gave out free funpacks and while sitting on the grass waiting for other acts to perform, people shared food, chat and make friends, blah.

At least, my long hours of waiting didn’t come to naught. I seriously feel, we can really hold it in an air conditioned venue next time.  He complained about it 3 times. It was really not fun but grueling for us to be queuing there as well.

If you are talking about the popular male actors now, I think Kim Soo Hyun has the best vocal while Lee Joon Gi is more of an all rounded entertainer.

He’s a very plain guy whom u won’t take an additional look on the streets but when he gets on stage or starts acting, it’s really a transformation to a very charismatic person.

He has been active but not as popular as the 偶像剧 male leads now, so those who only follow K Dramas in recent years may not be so familiar with him. This is because he challenges himself to taking on difficult roles or those action flicks, melodramas and period dramas, which are not so mainstream.

But he has a very stable fanbase, which we know is hard to maintain for Korean stars. Scarlet Heart probably put him back in the limelight again.

For his fans, enjoy the pics and for those who still aren’t into him, you should seriously try watching some of his dramas.

All I wanna say is,

Dear Joon Gi..

Contary to your pretty boy looks, I feel your acting spectrum is very broad. You’re a Very versatile & natural actor. Your acting is impactful & leaves a lasting impression.

If u ask me, I would describe u as an onion. You show the depth of your character layer by layer as the dramas go along.

Your small eyes do speak a thousand words & are very expressive.

Hope you will continue to be so hardworking & so dedicated to your work.

Stay humble & so ever energetic.

The world is your stage.
And u have it at your feet.

All the best to you conquering the world.

Thank You Joon Gi, for the wonderful nite full of fun memories.

Till we meet again. =)

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