




距离上一次五月天来新加坡开唱才不过6个月,此行带来的是同概念的第89场”人生无限公司无限放大版”。”无限放大版”里最 impressive 的就是能把舞台搭设, 硬体,灯光,图像,等视觉效果与音乐融合一体,完美地衬托出歌词想表达的意境,为这盛夏勾勒出这最美的诗篇。

老板们对”人生无限新加坡分公司”的2018 年中报告和现场表现非常之满意,还给了新加坡员工们一些特别的”福利”,例如颁发”最佳歌迷奖”和那句等了21年的”我爱你们”。

“新加坡无限放大版” “只限定一晚,大伙儿都毫无保留的疯狂投入,用尽吃奶的力气,和生命在呐喊,欢呼,挥舞着荧光棒, 随着音乐摇摆。

又是个汗水,泪水交集, 回忆涌现,狂欢狂热的夜晚。这或许是大家所谓的摇滚,热血和活在当下的证明,真正”活着”的滋味。

舞台两旁的荧幕上那20柱尖尖的灯塔, 象征他们辉煌但沿途铺满荆棘的20年, 甄拔许多城市后,克服障碍的足迹和勇气。这座城堡是靠长年累积的血汗,才得以盖成。


首首不朽经典都都是你我生命里某个时光的重要连接点,承载着你我人生的珍贵回忆, 化为精神粮食。不管隔了多久听他们的歌曲,都能有所慰寄,鼓励和共鸣。他们的歌曲能让我们拾回被现实摧残,渐渐遗忘内心那最深处沉睡的自己。


那绝对是爱, 是一种疼爱。

因为新加坡观众较被动,所以他们在那么大的场馆感受满溢的热情, 觉得这是一项盛举吧?

They are (ah beng) dreamers who walk their talk, so down-to-earth that you can’t associate them with being unrealistic.

在影片里,他们拯救了世界,而在现实生活中,这群”不怕死”的老男孩成功的解除国家体育场的”音响魔咒”。他们证明了他们的能力和和实力,让到场的观众都觉得值回票价。除了偶尔的小回音和前几首歌音量过大外, 音响设备大致上很清晰。为了确保观众在音质,视觉上的享受,他们不惜提高成本,压低营润,完全没剥削歌迷。


I’m so proud of these guys, their crew & the Singapore fans.

新加坡,我们一起做到了! That sea of BLUE is awesome! 即便没有免费的荧光棒, 但那片蓝色海没缩小,反而几乎全场都自备官方荧光棒。

It took them 17 years to get from Expo, Indoor Stadium & finally to National Stadium, with a 40,000 strong crowd.

That’s definitely a new milestone for them, and for us.

有心不怕迟, 这充分的展现了五月天坚持不懈的精神,和坚韧不拔的毅力。



他们走得比别人慢, 但他们走得更为长久,更深入民心。


1) 唱进能容纳4万人的国家体育场 (2010年DNA”无限放大版”在旧的国家体育场时是大概2万人)
2) 终于打破国家体育场音响差的”魔咒”
3) 没有送免费荧光棒, 但还是几乎全场都自备”正版”五月天荧光棒
4) 听到他们说”我爱你们” (他们不是会轻易说”爱你”的铁汉子,那绝对是出自于真心)
5) 汗流浃背”黏提提”的演唱会
6) 玛莎当爸爸后的第一场演唱会
7) 排周边商品的人龙绕国家体育场一大圈

A Mayday concert is never complete, without their Hokkien songs.

歌单方面上有作些调整,应新加坡五迷们的要求,唱2首半闽南语歌曲 (志明与春娇,憨人, 心中无别人)。
第一次看到新加坡也出现4万人的蓝色海洋时, 顿时有种震撼和不可思议的感觉。

这次大叔们的逗趣”垃圾话” Talking 少了,但依然不改本性开些”颜色笑话”和玩”回音游戏”,还打趣说大家都比较喜欢周杰伦。

他们就像浪潮,在人生经历潮落潮起时,笑看人生。 但他们总能让人觉得这不变的定律, 纯属再自然不过的现象。


我想说,我们所投入的时间和金钱, 无法衡量你们带给我们的能量和勇气。

在你们面前,我从来不需要 act like my age, 可以那么肆无忌惮地做最真实, 最自然的自己。在我们面前,你们也能很舒服地尽情撒野,撒娇,耍幼稚, 耍白痴, 颜色笑话层出不穷,老梗一用再用,但还是会有人附和,给你们最直接的反应。


你们是我的回忆制造机,通往青春的“时光机”,到达梦想的 “任意门”。




2018年6月2日, 我们又共同写了一篇美丽的诗章。

期待下一次的相遇,我们都带着人生里的新故事一起叙旧。Read More →


就在刚过去的周末,五月天带了他们的第10代巡回演唱会”人生无限公司”到新加坡,连High了3个晚上,为这年末开个最精彩盛大的 Party.


每位”人生无限公司”的”员工”都带着各自不同的故事和心情在那3个夜晚”上班打卡”,甚至疯狂, 不要命的”加班”。全世界上也只有这间公司的”神经病”们才会那么乐意加班。

许多人是为了演唱会的好口碑慕名而来,但对于那些上了”年纪”的来说, 这是和五月天”老友鬼鬼”的聚会。




观众的反应,”大叔”们的即兴脱轨,颜色笑话层出不穷,每日歌单至少会换个4-5首歌曲。每次巡演的同时,你也不仅会发现他们的用心。许多歌都会重新编曲,让人有比较 refreshing 的感觉。

他们在舞台上的卖力,台下观众热情的回应和相呼应,是最直接,最买单的表现。那台上台下的互相调侃,肆无忌惮的颜色笑话,一天比一天升级化。台下的观众时而大声合唱, 连接力唱也胜任的措措有余,时而呐喊”Hey Hey Hey Hey, 啦啦啦”, 都无需任何彩排。这就是五月天和五迷们之间的默契。


看五月天的演唱会最重要的就是气氛,和那些能够打动你, 感动你, 让你有所共鸣的歌曲。可以一起笑, 一起哭, 在那之后吸取满满的正能量,继续打拼。


“你怎么做,你怎么活, 就决定了你的自传怎么写”。。。


“天人生无限公司”, is really a company no one minds working for.



下一次,你又会带着什么样的故事来听五月天的演唱会呢?Read More →

“The Battleship Island” has started screening in cinemas on 17 August 2017. Have you watched or are you intending to watch this historical blockbuster? Be it watching for your favourite actors or wanting to know more about a dark page in history, your ticket money would be worth it. I am contemplating to brace myself to watch it a 2nd time. Prepare your tissues if you have more delicate tear glands.

With an A-List casting of Hwang Jung Min, So Ji Sub, Song Joong Ki, Lee Jung Hyun, Kim Su An and Award Winning Director Ryoo Seung Wan and a budget of US$21 million, we can almost be assured that the ticket box office sales will soar real high. The stars also made a trip to Singapore and Malaysia to promote this historical blockbuster. It shows how much emphasis the cast and crew place on this movie.

As expected, this movie would invite much controversy but what I would like to say is, it is a movie and not a documentary after all, thus entertainment value needs to be considered. More importantly, what the director and production crew hopes to do is to unravel a dark side of history that the world (including many Koreans) never knew. It is to relook into the past and learn from a new perspective, which can direct everyone to a better future.

The actors felt that we can all somehow relate to the happenings and would be touched by the story and also be aware that this actually happened in history. I feel this would also serve as a good lesson for the people in this generation that war would only bring harm to everyone else. There is no win-win situation when so many people have to suffer.

The trauma, atrocities, hardships, tortures, separations, deaths, sadness, betrayal, selflessness, selfishness and all forms of humanity could be seen from the movie.

I would say, the actors did a very great job.

The director also put in some joyful and heart-warming moments, creating some light heartedness within the inhuman living conditions of those on the island.

The one highlight of the movie would be the big escape plan and how the 400 Joseon workers helped one another. With war and escape plans would definitely bring about much bloodshed. However, “Unity is strength” indeed.

I am sure those who walked out of the cinema, would feel that their ticket money is worthwhile. You not only get to swoon at your favourite K-Actors but you also learn another lesson in history and it makes you appreciate more of what you have in the present and also to treasure your loved ones.

I would give it 4 out of 5 stars.

Remember to catch The Battleship Island while it is still screening!Read More →

This is definitely the most star studded and most anticipated movie promotion in 2017 with an entourage of Hwang Jung Min, So Ji Sub & Song Joong Ki.

Since the announcement of all 3 casts – Veteran Actor Hwang Jung Min, Charismatic actor So Ji Sub, Heartthrob Song Joong Ki and renowned Director Ryoo Seung Wan, to be gracing the Gala Premiere of “Battleship Island” in Singapore, the local fan scene on Sunny Island had literally turned into a replica of a mini “Battleship Island”. Thousands of fans pit their creativity and expended all ways and means to win access passes to the exclusive media press conference, Meet & Greet and Gala Premiere tickets.

After all, this would be the last time fans could see Song Joong Ki before he gets married in October. His marriage news did not dampen the spirits of his die heart fans and they thronged all 3 levels of Suntec City North Atrium and also lined the pave way outside the building.

The goom-to-be was glowing with radiance and had an aura of positive vibes and happiness all over him. So Ji Sub has a group of loyal fans who follow him for many years. He’s known to be a cool guy on the out-front but is a very warm guy who would pay attention to his fans.

It is the first time that award winning actor Hwang Jung Min and Director Ryoo Seung Wan to grace our shores. Hwang Jung Min is composed, has a good sense of humour and also shared very interesting insights that he gained in filming the movie.

The stars were pretty surprised by the turnout of 3,000 fervently screaming fans and expressed their gratitude for such an warm welcome. The stars took the effort to wave and acknowledge fans who were on Level 2 and 3, at the side and behind the stage as well.

Highlight of the night was when the confetti sprouted out of nowhere with a loud POP. Their expressions and reactions were priceless.

The promotions in SG had come to an end but we are pretty sure the Oppas would bring back with them fond and happy memories from their visit here.

Click on to read more on the Q&A session and the many pictures from the events!Read More →