“The Glory” may have ended its successful run recently, but the intense and gripping story line, unexpected plot, phenomenal acting and quotes are still being widely discussed worldwide.

Despite it being a revenge-themed drama, Screenwriter Kim Eun Sook has left us with many words of wisdom, that depict the harsh reality we live in.

It segregates not the just the disparity of wealth distribution, but also the divergence in thinking between the different socioeconomic levels.

Here are 40 of the most impactful and thought-provoking quotes we have selected, which touch on rage, hatred, lies, deceit, forgiveness/unforgiveness, moving on, what money can do, etc.

May these serve as a self-reflection point for us to pay more attention to the people around us, and always be kinder in our words and actions.

For what goes round, comes around.


1) Do you know what’s so good about not having a religion? You know you will end up in Hell.


2) When there’s no forgiveness, there’s no glory either.


3) The biggest perpetrators are your family members


4) You’ll never find a solution in the past. It’ll always be in front of you. That’s just what life is like.


5) Some hatred resembles longing. It’s impossible to get rid of.


6) Sometimes I wonder, which of the 2 is stronger? The solidarity between victims or the solidarity between perpetrators?


7) A problem that can be solved with money, is the easiest in the world.


8) Blindly pursuing morals and goodwill only brings you false glory, nothing more.


9) Do Yeong: Why do you like the “Go” Game?


Dong Eun: The game is won by taking territories your opponent carefully built. It’s beautiful”


10) I won’t get married, because the society is prejudiced against married men. It’s called “romantic” if you are single, but “adulterous” if you are married.


11) Do not open the box that you shouldn’t. I do not wish for you to see through me. I will not let those items in the box to come to this world, for they are not glamorous.


12) There are 3 things that carry no weight in this classroom from now on : Parent’s occupation, wealth and connections.

Don’t bully another student because you wear better clothes, ride in a better car or live in a bigger house.


13) We were young back then. Who did not make mistakes when they were younger?


14) Why does a bad premonition never go wrong? Alright, it’s too late to stop you now, and there’s no way to escape this. Will your revenge be over once everyone suffers?

不好的预感为何总是不会出错呢? 好吧。现在已经来不及阻止你了,又没办法逃避这一切。要所有人都遭殃,你的复仇才算结束吗?

15) If you wish to treat an injury, you need to cover it with a deeper wound. Only then, can the wound be healed.


16) Do you know where the class division is most thoroughly segregated in the world?

On the plane, there’s the First Class, Business Class and Economy Class. Each cabin is separated by a curtain, but no one will cross that boundary.


17) Humiliation is also a form of scolding someone.


18) The kind of thinking that you have will determine how you live your life. Looking at things from various perspectives, will reap different results.


19) You have been a winner at the game of life since birth. You already reached the destination upon birth. Route navigation has ended.


20) I’m afraid I will forget what I should be doing if I start laughing.


21) Even if I do this, nothing will happen to me and nothing will change for you. Nobody will protect you, Dong Eun.Not the police, school or even your parents.

What do you call a person like this? An underdog.


22) I’m not looking for a prince. What I need is not a prince, but a headsman who will join me in the sword dance.


23) A headsman will never question question the meaning behind the decree. Everyone will choose who they want to be, when necessary.


24) You need to be punishment. Criminal punishment if God’s on your side, and divine punishment if God is on my side.


25) Being obsessed with something that can’t be changed seems like a loss compared to the fruits of revenge.


26) Among the things that victims have lost, how many things do you think they can reclaim? It’s just their own glory and honour. Nothing more.

Some regain those things through forgiveness, while others regain them through revenge. Only then can they reach the starting point.”

被害人所失去的东西之中,你觉得有多少是能找回来的? 自己的荣耀与名誉,只有这两样而已吧? 有些人透过原谅找回这些。有些人则藉着复仇找回来。要找回这些,才能算回到起点。回到起点后,东珢学妹才能继续过她的19岁。

27) Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, fracture for fracture. The one who inflicted the injury must suffer the same. I don’t know. That sounds too fair to me.


28) At that time, it felt like an eternal night. There is no dignity left, but a barren and desolate ruined state. My only faith is in rage and vice.


29) Why do we (victims) need to buck up everyday? Keeping myself going is so tiring. I’m so sick of it.”


30) If no matter you lead a life being kind or evil will ultimately lead you to hell, then I will simply choose both.


31) From now on, every single day will be a nightmare. They’ll be provocative and terrifying. You can’t stop me or make me disappear. I’m planning on becoming a very old rumor of yours.


32) Your childhood must have been like a box of chocolates. Now, you have grown up to be a worry-free adult whose life is smooth sailing. You say something so naive, but you have no trouble living your life.


33) Ye Sol: My mum is not the main character, because she is wealthy. The main characters in fairy tales are all poor.


Dong Eun: No, you are wrong. Your mum in is the main character in this story, because it is not a fairy tale, but a fable.


34) For a period of time, I had this thought “What if anyone or anything had tried to help me?” Maybe a friend or a god. Even the weather, maybe. If not, then a sharp weapon.


35) Do you think you’re living in hell because of me? Don’t be crazy. You’ve been living in hell since you were born.


36) Do you know that your daughter likes to look at the world upside down?

Is it because when the world is upside down, people will understand you even if you cannot tell some colours apart?


37)  I once hoped that one day, I would forget your looks, your name. I prayed that I could completely forget you.

My whole world is you, and the world that your daughter will face in the future is bound to be me. I am willing to bear that heinous hatred as the price of my revenge.


38) This flower is known as “The Devil’s Trumpet” since it’s playing its trumpet towards the sky. Those flowers at the other end facing downwards are “The Angel’s Trumpet”.

It may be seen as arrogance to the Heavens, thus The Devil’s Trumpet only emits fragrance at night.


39) I would become a vet if I wanted to save animals, a pastor if I wish to save demons. I only save human lives, and I abide by that oath only when saving people.


40) It doesn’t matter what colour the shoe is. It’s important that it’s expensive and only available in small quantities.

More importantly, you can definitely own them no matter how scarce they are. The value of all commodities in this world is not based on their colour, but on the price tag.


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