Missing the banter of your favourite doctors from “Hospital Playlist 2”? What about your favourite songs from their band practices?

Let’s take a walk down memory lane as we gush over some lovey-dovey moments, memorable quotes and life lessons from this feel-good and therapeutic medical drama.
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While “Vincenzo” has ended its run for some time, the many thought-provoking quotes still linger on in our minds.

We have compiled 40 of our favourite quotes from this Netflix Hit that gives us a timely wake-up call for some self-reflection to re-look into what’s important to us.

Share some of your favourite quotes with us too! Read More →

“简单亦是快乐”就是<<偶然成为社长>>想传递的主题。身为都市人,我们往往为了五斗米折腰,却忘了放慢脚步, 看看身边美丽的风景,多关心身旁的人、事、物。

原以为看着两位社长, 车太铉和赵寅成,的”10日乡村超市营业日志”,会觉得有点单调乏味。殊不知,在那再也平凡不过的日常里,被乡民间的互动,热心协助两位新手社长打理超市,和各自努力生活的模样而打动,让人体会了在都市里缺乏的浓浓人情味。搭配寅成和太铉oppa拿手的松蟹拉面和烤鳟鱼,简直是让人暖心又暖胃,甚至有眼眶泛泪的时刻。


就像寅成说的: “村子所有人都是社长。大家都同心协力在爱护这间店。”

这除了是让顾客们歇息片刻的地方,更是在冬天里传递温暖的感情交流站。虽然华川的小镇像冰天雪地寒冷般,却充满了炽热的人情味。这是我们所谓的”Kampong Spirit”。



“Work Hard, Play Hard”, 不就是犒赏自己的最佳方式吗?




车太炫是家喻户晓的主持人,幽默风趣,也给观众很舒服,踏实的感觉。他那及具有”魔性”和感染力的笑声, 不必特别制造效果,就综艺感十足。他个性随和,亲民, 乐于助人,也不介意虚心向村民寻求帮助, 给人的感觉就是”好好先生”和”邻家大叔”,很温暖,靠普。

寅成 Oppa 一向给人高冷的感觉,但私下很亲民,也很会”撩”,是位冷面笑将。虽属慢热型,但观察能力强,心思细腻,很会照顾人。






太炫 oppa 和供应商接洽打交道,也努力熟悉店里的所有大小事宜。他会和顾客们嘘寒问暖,也贴心地为小朋友准备蜂蜜糖饼和比萨。

寅成 oppa 主要负责厨房工作。他拜托渔夫好友买新鲜的海产,还向餐饮业老板娘讨教哪些菜肴符合居民的口味。这螃蟹泡面竟成了寅成 oppa 的招牌菜,还大卖150碗之多!




万事起头难,两位社长的第一天简直是”天下大乱”。印象深刻的是有一次太炫oppa 把能量饮料的价格标错,让顾客付了2倍的价格。基于信任,顾客也不疑由他。在恍然大悟之后,便急忙贴告示,希望所有买该饮料的顾客前来退款。










他们当中有失去记忆的阿姨, 农业社长和中医师,来自韩国各地,远离家乡的修路工程师, 飘洋过海到韩国工作的外来劳工。身为人父的太炫感同身受,了解他们错过了孩子的成长阶段是既痛心皆无奈的心情。

两位社长的不少”暖男事迹”当中,令小编印象最深刻的就是带小朋友到春川的医院去处理针眼。在两位社长的陪伴下,原本故作坚强的小男孩开始有点慌张,但太炫 oppa也在旁握着他的手,鼓励着他。





老板娘的一句:”工作到很晚,一定很累吧?” 竟然让社长们溃堤。

奶奶也把螃蟹拉面和两位社长分着吃。美食的分享,能温暖人心。这是”Sharing is Caring”的典范.



– 是观众的喜爱, 而不是奖项, 定义一位演员的成功
– 歌手不一定要有多大的舞台,而是会欣赏他们才艺的人
– 你的态度决定你将乐观或悲观地面对这世界
– 人与人之间是一种礼尚往来
– 不懂不要装懂,而是要问
– 犯了错误,就要承认错误,及时更正



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It was more than the hilarious plot of a free-spirited modern age chef trapped in Queen Cheorin’s body wreaking havoc in the Joseon era, that earned “Mr Queen” its position as the 5th highest rated drama in TVN history.

The rom-com factor that made us chuckle, cast’s endearing & stellar performance, awesome teamwork & chemistry, cliffhangers at end of each episode, fusion of modern thinking in the olden days, infusion of KPOP, K-Beauty, KFood, giving new meaning to modern day phrases like “No Touch” & “Anti-Fan”, improvising food cuisines in Joseon Dynasty, scheming and plotting against one another, a King with a Hyde & Jekyll personality, & the struggle between a homosexual vs heterosexual love line, were the many reasons that whisked me through the 20 episodes.

Mr Queen’s theme boils down to freedom.

The freedom to break away from the shackles of society norms & standards, be who we really are, do what we have always wanted, love whoever we want and to express how we truly feel.

Bong Hwan’s adventure allowed us to experience life in Joseon with a modern filter. His quick wits, great survival instincts and adaptability allowed him to pull through the biggest ordeals.

“Mr Queen” broaches on a bold but taboo topic on homosexuality, bisexuality & gender identity crisis. While this pushes the boundaries in South Korea’s conservative society, it did not deter the ratings from escalating steadily.

What we learnt:
– Love transcends time & gender
– 在宫里,没有任何人是真正的好人或坏人,只有立场和利益的不同
– The “truth” is based on what people choose to believe in
– Never lose the most important person – yourself

Director Yoon strikes a balance where Shin Hye Sun’s responsible for the wackier, light-hearted moments while Kim Jung Hyun on the serious & melodramatic parts.

Was it Bong Hwan in So Yong’s body or was So Yong hiding in the subconscious state all along?

When she’s Bong Hwan, she’s a spitfire and pompous with a total disregard regarding palace protocols. So Yong’s more composed, graceful & shy around Cheoljong, while So Bong’s a contradicting embodiment of good vs evil, rough vs gentle, rash vs composed.

Kim Jung Hyun’s lauded for portraying his multi-faceted character with much depth. The intricate portrayal of his facial and eye expressions, vocal tone, body language, aids in delivering Cheoljong’s complicated & intense emotions. On the surface, he’s a lazy, timid, lecherous puppet king , while the real CJ’s ambitious, capable, prudent, witty, has plans for the greater good.

It was gratifying to watch them 同台飙戏。Their ad lib improvisations made scenes more enjoyable for the viewers. Tension building up in the initial episodes when both were double guessing , wary of each others’ intentions, pitting against each other were served like a bowl of piping hot jjamppong.

The right person will love you for being you.

From his 中殿词典, abiding by his queen’s “No Touch” rule and the crossed eye portrait, Cheoljong never failed to show his affection in the most subtle ways.

Kim Hyun Jung & Shin Hye Sun made this “No Touch” couple much more endearing.

Na In Woo’s supporting role created ripples in viewers’ hearts. Byeong In’s the tall, handsome, 深情专一 堂哥, who’s a skilled swordsman & shrewd strategist with a never give up attitude. He’s a sorrowful character with a twisted love obsession. Only Byeong In noticed the change in So Yong. He’s the only one who truly understood her.

The penned up emotions, rage, jealousy, unwavering devotion and sheer possessiveness were so well executed. Not to mention the several breathtaking fighting scenes with Cheoljong were impressive.

We often regret what we didn’t fight for, but he put up a good fight for the love of his life.

The pretty, intelligent, composed Hwa Jin is definitely Queen material. When So Bong usurped her “throne” in Cheoljong’s heart, that’s when she turned to the dark side. Love, hate and jealousy can drive people to behave in irrational and destructive ways. The palace can turn someone into a monster as they lose themselves in the pursuit for more wants.

The supporting roles instilled so much vibrancy, fun and laughter. They are proof that friendship exists in the palace.

It’s more than an “employer-employee” relationship between So Bong, Court Lady Choi & Hong Yeon. They are her best friends and support.

Court Lady Choi & Royal Chef’s budding romance, Hong Byeolgam & Kim Hwan’s friendship, love triangle between Kim Hwan, Hong Byeolgam & Hong Yeon were some of our favourite “ships”.

From the scheming & merciless Kim Jae Geun, domineering Grand Empress Dowager who had a weakness for good food & beauty products, superstitious Queen Dowager Jo who plotted her revenge by preying on the weak minds, to the corrupted officials, you wished you could grind them all.

Does Cheoljong only lovesBong Hwan or both Bong Hwan & So Yong?

This is an open-ended question that’s up to viewers’ discretion.Read More →