While this is D&E’s 4th Asia tour, it’s their 1st in gracing our shores with “Delight Party” as a sub-unit .

Reveling in the electrifying atmosphere and being charmed by D&E’s energetic vibes, the 2,300-strong ELFs at The Star Theatre, were able to bask “in the moment”.

Definitely living up to the spirit of being Delightful, ELFs had a wonderful time laughing, cheering D&E on with fanchants, waving SU Bongs while dancing to their most renowned hits.

ELFs were given a repertoire of not just D&E hits, but also the most iconic classics from Super Junior.

The 37-year-old duo’s exuberance & witty humour are antidotes to your taxing lives.

From yakking abt chilli & pepper crabs in their MENT, dancing to Super Mario theme, playing keyboard & drums to Westlife’s “My Love”, calling fans out for not trusting them to win games, to asking why fans seek permission for toilet breaks, these easy-going dorks had their way of keeping audience entertained.

Let’s revisit some of the memorable and delightful moments to keep your post withdrawal syndromes at bay before their next tour.
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当晚的现场气氛简直”沸腾到一个顶点”,新加坡室内体育场顿时变成了万人舞池,和万人KTV 包厢。



阿妹那宽广的音域,勾人兼抚慰人心的嘹亮嗓音,简直是最棒的 surround sound system.


除了感官上的升格体验,这场 ASMeir 赐予我们更重要的是,心灵上的疗愈。

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Blaↄkpink is indeed the revolution.

The Pink Rangers just hit you with the infectious “Ddu Du Ddu Du”, igniting a widespread of Pink Venom across sunny island over the hottest weekend we had in May 2023, and rained a Pink Confetti snow storm in Singapore’s biggest concert arena.

If they had you going “krra-ta-ta-ta, I bring the pain like…” after the concert, fret not. We’ve got you covered with a review of the “Born Pink” gig to reminisce with lots of photos and wonderful memories.

Hop on in as we navigate through the interesting and exciting bits of the biggest KPOP concert in SG since the pandemic.Read More →


由于上一场举办的”A-Link with Passengers”引起热烈回响和好口碑,许多观众便不停敲碗,希望能举办 Encore 场。

于是 A-Lin这回带来全球限量的”重磅升级版 “,为的就是回馈大家对她的喜爱与支持。



让我们再一同重温当天的点点滴滴。Read More →

After their highly raved about F1 Grand Prix gig in 2022, Westlife broke the record again for being the 1st International Act to perform for 3 consecutive nights at Singapore Indoor Stadium.

The quartet serenaded us with their amazing vocals, calmed us with their soothing melodies, swooned us over with their humour, set our adrenaline going haywire crooning to classics of yester years, and transported us back to our teenage selves in a twinkling of an eye.

All-time favourites comprising of chart-toppers such as “If I Let You Go, Fool Again, Swear It Again, Uptown Girl World of Our Own, When You are Looking Like That”, and the enjoyable ABBA Medley segment with some hilarious butt shaking moments, were enough to drive people wild.

With most of the hall up on their feet, cheering at the top of their lungs, singing and swaying along to our favourite hits of yester years and a couple new songs, it was a night full of great fun and spontaneity.

Let’s take a walk down memory lane with Westlife to reminisce those carefree, youthful days.Read More →