“黑骑士”在韩国人的定义,就是在玩游戏时, 希望有人代替你喝酒或受罚之类时, 把那个人称为”黑骑士”,就会体你代劳。

虽然跨越生死,几经轮回, 过了200年再次相遇的爱情故事,并不算新鲜题材,但能在故事里编入了永生不死的存在,和许多悬疑元素,是还蛮扣人心弦的。虽然故事最后的结局未能让我大满意,但也含着泪和惋惜看到剧末。


这部剧集还是能牵动人心,让你心里飘浮着许多涟漪的原因,处了 Slovenia 漂亮到令人窒息,又想谈恋爱的风景和氛围,还有这次金来沅 oppa 许多看了令人脸红心跳的”撩妹”动作。

Oppa 这次在戏里虽然依旧有着悲伤的故事,但感觉上爽朗很多。角色开朗许多,人也变得比较调皮和 charming. 他不只很会带戏,也很能让观众入戏。毕竟演了20年戏,是很有魅力的男演员。



又或者说, 如果要和你爱的人在一起,你就得残酷接受你得永生的事实。若选择离开,你就能变回正常。那你又会如何抉择呢?

Sharon Boutique 也是戏剧里非常重要的一个场景, 有种神秘力量但又令人毛骨悚然的氛围。 女主角的人生因为一件大衣而产生了巨大的变化。主角们在戏里的 Winter Clothing Fashion 真的是美到没话说, 势必会掀起一股热潮。

虽然说 Shin Se Kyung 当女一的确让人有些担心,但或许是 Rae Won oppa 蛮会带戏,所以至少这次他们俩的 chemistry,不至于看了让人觉得没感觉。虽然差了11岁, 还是有两小无猜的感觉。

但论演技,当然是不只漂亮但又很能演”坏女人”角色的 Seo Ji Hye 锋芒毕露。她每个眼神和反应都能让你时而怜悯她, 时而很讨厌她。但观众都不难了解她的愤怒,嫉妒,执着。

这是部不错的剧集, that’s if you like a little of fantasy, romance and melodrama.

There’s also plenty of 商场上的阿谀我诈。

不知道世上是不是真的有至死不渝的爱情或像 Soo Ho 这样牺牲奉献的”黑骑士”存在,但肯定的是 You will really fall in love with Kim Rae Won in this drama.

Morale of the story: Life is short, cherish all that you love and spend your time more meaningfully.Read More →

如果你曾待在收音机旁守候着电台播放”夯”极一时的”吻别”,还在录了一遍之后,疯狂地边 rewind, forward, 不停地重复听和抄歌词,那你一定认识张学友。

“张学友”这3个字, 代表的不仅仅是大家誉为的”歌神”,而是成千上万人的成长岁月,更是一个时代的象征。

就在迎接新春前的1个周末, 张学友把他的”学友。经典”世界巡回演唱会的第138 至140 场带回新加坡。他化身为”音乐魔法师”,让大家度过3个魔法般的夜晚。


就是不耍大牌,准时开唱 (晚间8点正),专业,歌唱实力雄厚,有着顶尖级的制作幕后团队 (舞团,管弦乐, backup vocalists, 音乐总监),灯光,音响效果超棒, 潜移默化的4面台如移动城堡。


这场演唱会的门票虽然价格不菲,但观众不难看得出,在制作成本上可是耗尽了许多资力,人力,物力, 时间准确的配合,视觉,音响都是顶尖的设备,才能完成。

经典歌曲就是有那么奇妙的魔法。一听到过门,旋律,大伙儿都会不知觉的跟着大合唱, 顿时间坠入时光隧道,回到当年的记忆,甚至当下的感受也会涌上心头。


他的歌唱实力无庸置疑。就连唱慢歌的时候,他的手和身体都会跟着每个音符, 节奏有着他独有的律动。除了鼎鼎大名的专属”莲花指”,也有许多招牌动作。

但”歌神”也是人, 也会有身体抱恙, 飙不上高音的时候。



因为他是 “歌神”,就算破了几次音,他都还是可以很快恢复平时的水准。大众对于 “歌神”还是保持很崇敬的态度,也不怎么在乎那一点点的小瑕疵。

对于很多歌手来说,要日复一日唱同样的歌, 做一样的表演是个恶梦,但对于开了第139场 Classic Tour 的他来说, 这是一种享受和喜悦,因为有观众的支持。


那小小的4面台竟然能蹦出那么多新意和惊喜。那么千变万化的舞台设计,如移动城堡般的, 真的是第一次见到。

有会在水中飘浮的小白船, 像 Cake Tiers 的舞台, 360度旋转的舞台,喷火的火山,会跳舞的灯泡,灯光也随着歌曲的情境起伏,甚至连舞台地板都有着很漂亮的投影画面。一切尽入眼帘和耳膜的视觉听觉享受,一气呵成。

主办单位在每个座位上放置了可以” centrally controlled”的荧光棒。 4面台观众席上顿时闪耀着1万颗美丽的”星星”。 荧光棒的颜色也会随着音符或不同歌曲而变化。这让整场演唱会加分不少。

如果背后没有那么顶级的制作,幕后团队,就算张学友唱的再好,也是体现不出这美到无法言语的灯, 光,投影 + 音响效果的杰作。

音乐总监是本地著名音乐制作人吴庆隆, 御用吉他手是 Jamie Wilson. 本地著名合声团体”插班生”的 Diya & Carrie 也是演唱会的御用 Backup Vocalists.

2月10日和11日恰巧是影坛前辈,高龄86岁的胡枫在香港连开2晚演唱会的日子。原本邀请了张学友当特别嘉宾,于是就用SNG 连线 + 唱了新加坡第5场限定曲”还是觉得你最好”。


或许,正因为他的灵魂,血液,骨子里都充满着爱, 所以才能每每那么容易地进入佳状, 丝毫不费吹灰之力就能唱到你的心坎里。

演唱会的后半段,学友哥也特地准备了大家都爱的”经典” medley。不管你今年贵庚,至少会有一两首可以拨动你的心弦, 如“想和你去吹吹风”,”每天爱你多一些”,”只想一生跟你走”, “一路上有你”,”我真的受伤了”。

80,90年代出身的歌手都是能歌善舞的。 脸不红, 气不喘的轻松的面对4面台艰巨挑战。

眼看这些乐坛前辈还在台上蹦蹦跳跳,但近年来, 还没发现像他们如此璀璨的宝玉出现在香港乐坛上, 不禁令人觉得有点惋惜。


心里会很想高唱” Yesterday Once More”。



就像”她来听我的演唱会”包含的意义,在不同的年龄层 (20,30,40) 听张学友的演唱会,会有不同的韵味和感触。

你, 感受到他想传达的信息或看出端倪了吗? 
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Indeed, “Life couldn’t get better” (lyrics from “Miracle”) with Super Junior around.

There’s an equation that has existed for 14 years, known as “SJ + ELFs” = Miracle.

You can say 他们是一个多灾多难的组合, 但因为有 “杂草”的精神, 所以能够经得起考验, 而至今都屹立不倒。

It’s been a 2.5-year long wait for SG ELFs (SJ’s fandom is collectively known as “Ever Lasting Friends”). The guys from Super Junior lapped it up with a fusion of electrifying performances, synchronised dance moves, exaggerated Cosplay costumes, excellent fan service, cranky &funny banter, sweet talking and a series of heart-warming speeches that streamed tears down SJ’s & ELFs’ faces.

Be it them in the power ranger costumes, hip hop wear, batik tops, high school uniform, or black suits running around the stadium, they just got the sea of blue into a frenzy.

They always fill your hearts & minds with lots of wonderful memories, love, fun & laughter.

If one were to sum up Super Junior’s personalities, it would be:

Super…. Dorky, Crazy, Energetic, Loving, Sincere, Sweet Talkers, Crybabies, Super人来疯.

They tried hard to bridge the language barrier by conversing more in English & Mandarin. They also promised that Super Junior & ELFs would have more days to be together than the time they have spent together.

Those present wouldn’t have missed this unforgettable moment when leader Lee Teuk was running to every little corner of the stadium and making his 90-degree bows to thank the fans.

This overwhelmed and warmed hearts instantaneously.

It’s gonna be etched in our minds and hearts for a long, long time.

It doesn’t matter if Singapore has a smaller fan base.

It all boils down to a lot of effort, sincerity and thoughts that come right from within.

There may be no solo stage performances (also lack of SJM, D&E performances), that revolving centre stage & chandelier lights did not make it to SG too, but it was such a heart-warming and enjoyable evening for all present.

Though SS7 is not as flamboyant or extravagant as SS3 & SS4 with lesser classic hits, it is one concert that’s focused on sharing & showcasing their new works & showing appreciation to their fans who have always given their relentless support.

What is a Super Show, without the extended stage, the guys’ silly, outrageous, out-of-this-world Cosplays costumes, running around to get closer to fans at all corners, some abs-flashing & their signature farewell thumb kiss?

With Kyuhyn & Ryeowook currently in military, Yesung took on the leading parts, with the members chipping in to ease his load. We also had Donghae at the helm for the piano introduction of “One More Chance”, Siwon on a Disc-Jockey segment & Heechul on the drums for “Sorry, Sorry”.

With Eunhyuk & Shindong as Directors of SS7, it’s guaranteed that there would be no dull moments. Everything was pretty well-paced and we love how they always look at improvising their dance performances.

You may love how there’s a tinge of sexiness with the veil scarf that blindfolds them during their well-loved classic “It’s You”, showing a more matured side of them.

You would also love “Runaway”, a chirpy song show showcasing their energy & “young at heart” natures. They look really dashing in those school uniforms as overage high-schoolers.

It suits these boys very well; they have not changed a wee bit since they debuted in 2005.

The crowd got to an all-time high when it came to the classics that propelled them to fame, such as “Sorry, Sorry”, “Mr Simple” & “Bonamana”. The ever epic “Human Stacko” game during “Rokkugo” is a tradition that would still tickle you.

They are totally UNCONTROLLABLE on stage.

From their funny “English Ltd” banter, Heechul being a “Time Bomb” blurting out NC16 comments, to Lee Teuk taking the lead to roll on stage during “Devil”, it’s no wonder how people describe SJ as Shen Jing / Shen Jing Bing (神经/神经病).

These guys are great sweet-talkers, albeit a little cheesy, addressing their fans as “Princesses” & fellow members as “Princes”.

Expressing more than a few times that they are grateful for ELFs’ support no matter how tough these years have been, certainly tugged at your heartstrings for a fair bit.

Lee Teuk’s heartfelt “proposal” probably got half the hall with tear-striken. This journey has never been smooth or easy, but their fans would always catch their backs, no matter what happens.

They don’t just sweet-talk, they walk their talk.

No one fits the title as “Kings of Fan Service” better. These guys were running around the stadium to get closer to fans, going to mosh pits to take selcas, signing rubber ducks, running & bowing to everyone, etc.

Shindong passed 2 bottles of water to fans at the mosh pit as they weren’t allowed to bring water into the venue. That’s just such a considerate & SWEET to the MAX gesture.

They are fairly warm people on & off stage, especially doting to fans who have been with them for so long.

WHEN would you feel Goosebumps during a SJ concert?

It is when you realise, it’s not just the guys on stage doing their best to reciprocate their fans’ love & support, but also fans showing their undying love, accepting & embracing these not-so-perfect guys for who they are, with fan chants & fan projects.

The “white light” project during “Shining Stars” in that sea of blue was a pretty sight. The white lights represent SJ are the “Shining Stars” in ELFs’ lives & vice versa. It brought tears to these guys.

It’s a touching sight, either way.

Fame is just a fleeting phase, what remains would be love & support over time.

Everyone who is familiar with Super Junior would know there’s no such thing as an “IDOL” image for them. They still go cranky, dorky, goofy, silly and behave the same, on or off stage.

It’s hard to forget seeing them cosplay as different varieties of VEGETABLES, Super Heroes, Beyonce, Lady Gaga & ELSA…

Now, they are back as SUPER RANGERS.

Well, what can we say about these “boys at heart”? These dorks are just too lovable.

Fans probably love their easy-going, non-pretentious and quirky nature.

They have shown us what it takes to ace the Survival Game as one of the most popular Boy bands, with perseverance, resilience, Never-Say-Die attitude, graciousness,
professionalism, showmanship, humble & down-to-earth personality.

Like the guys said, we have more days to be together than the time we have spent together.

They say 认真的男人最帅,but we think 认真 + 有诚意的男人更帅。

Thanks for the wonderful evening.

Our Princes, please return for SS8 soon.

It’s a promise, we will still be there even when you become Super Senior and we become Ajummas.

Let’s grow old together!Read More →

It has been an intense, intriguing, action-packed 18 episodes with the latest “Grim Reaper” theme drama “Black”. It keeps you glued to the screen in a compelling way when you thought you were getting close to who the culprits were as the story unfolds, but every time, the twists and turns would lead you on to something new.

Intricate details showcased in this detective thriller, with a mixture of the unknown “afterlife” & a little romance, give the viewers a gravitational pull.

If not for the last 10 minutes that spoiled the “beauty” of this drama, it would undeniably be getting much better reviews.

“Black” is not just the name of the Grim Reaper #444, it also adds an additional “mysterious” layer to the dark theme. While the colour black is often associated with gloomy, dark, inauspicious things, or even death, it is a combination of these factors that gels the drama together to become so attractive.

It not just opens our curious minds to what holds in the unknown “afterlife” topics, but also sets us thinking about what are the most important things in life.

While Lee Dong Wook’s “Grim Reaper” image has been deeply entrenched in our minds & hearts since “Goblin” took on a global storm, Song Seung Heon’s tough, rash but witty “Grim Reaper” detective image does get on our good books too.

It seems that Song Seung Heon has not aged since “Autumn in my Heart”. With a tall, hunky physique, coupled with dashing good looks & nice thick brows, Seung Heon oppa fits so nicely in that black suit you wouldn’t mind seeing him wearing it for 90% of the drama.

Song Seung Heon’s acting has been much criticised over the years but the director does give some opportunity for him to enact 3 characters in one body.

It’s about a Grim reaper who’s stuck in a detective’s body, but as time goes by, he found his previous life memory as well. He then fell in love with a mortal woman who has the ability to see spirits.

We can see a big difference between Moo Gang who’s too timid to be a policeman and throws up at the sight of blood or can’t even hold a gun, versus a very badass Grim Reaper who is unfeeling and violent. I would say he has pulled through this drama better than many of his past dramas.

Even though there’s a 14-year gap between him and Go Ara and you feel that there’s a lack of super great passion cum chemistry, it was just sufficient for a drama like this where romance is not the main line.

It shows the gradual transformation of Black who was nonchalant and unfeeling to everything around him, to becoming a warmer person, who would seek justice and also care for Ha Ram. He eventually breaks down upon uncovering the truth and had to find ways to solve everything and make life better for Ha Ram.

While we can say all that he has done is noble and is in the best interests of Ha Ram, would Ha Ram have wanted him to do it this way?

All in all, I would say I have enjoyed the drama greatly. So many of the supporting roles have made this drama much better than expected.

Most importantly, we should not forget some of the tragedies that happened in real life and we need to reflect and learn from these incidents.
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新加坡是”地表最强2″的海外巡演首站, 而周杰伦也抢”头香”在2018年在新加坡国家体育场开演唱会。他也是第一位在国家体育场有4万人为他唱生日快乐歌的歌手。


“地表最强2″ 新加坡演唱会的几大亮点:
– 酷炫壮观的舞台搭设和灯光视觉效果
– 每个环节都有符合主题的串烧歌曲
– 周董,Joanna Dong & Olinda Cho 3人合唱的”听见下雨的声音”
– 个人认为穿插默剧演员的表演都很逗趣,令人会有种会心一笑的感觉
– 开放歌迷点歌环节和周董有趣幽默的机智Talking
– 周董的炫妻/宠妻行为

会去观看周杰伦演唱会的, 除了一票死忠粉丝,还有许多人是为了去回味曾经陪伴自己成长岁月的 Classics, 或者是为了他的舞台,灯光效果,他的音乐才艺,和独特的音乐风格。



周董的歌迷是很特别的一群。即便周董堪少和台下的观众说话,他们都十分的 High,也可以说是很自High的一群。演唱会是绝无冷场。

舞台设计依旧华丽,3D立体视觉效果依然很棒。这次的演唱会大致上和上一场的rundown差不多,但在曲目上加入了许多大家喜欢的经典,如双截棍,世界末日,星晴,爱在西元前, 简单爱,半岛铁盒。

曲目包括了英雄,开不了口,床边故事,以父之名,夜曲,美人鱼,园游会,听见下雨的声音, 爸,我回来了, 浪漫手机,回到过去,时光机,龙卷风,安静,告白气球, 甜甜的,阳光宅男,搁浅,本草纲目,霍元甲, 明明就,我要夏天,七里香.等。



整体来说,去看演唱会的观众都是意犹未尽的, 因为周董实在是有太多的经典歌曲还没唱。



在”地表最强”之后,周董又会如何破自己的记录和格局呢?Read More →