“Crash Landing on You” (CLOY) crashed in as the highest rated drama in TVN history, surpassing “Goblin” with a viewership rate of 23.249% for the final episode. It ended on an all-time high note, rendered viewers with mixed emotions of happy, poignant moments & “Post Drama Withdrawal Syndromes”.

A team of delectable stellar cast, star scriptwriter Park Ji-eun, North Korean Defector consultant, Kwak Moon Wan, make what is seemingly “impossible” into a “fantasy drama”.

Other than heartthrobs Hyun Bin & Son Ye Jin’s impeccable chemistry, the intense story line that causes you to grapple with fear of losing any of the characters, Se Ri’s self-exploration and healing journey with the accidental landing, Jeong Hyuk’s determination to not lose another person that he loves again, the wise quotes by Seung Joon that led to food-for-thought moments, Seo Dan’s 敢爱敢恨, the many hilarious and heart wrenching moments with the supporting characters, made the drama so much more captivating.

It isn’t merely the romance that melts your heart, but to a great extent how the relationships forged and 浓浓的人情味 that’s heartwarming.

CLOY’s theme revolves around “LOVE”.

It teaches one the meaning of self-love and loving others, to forget hurt and only remember people you love (and vice versa). There’s self-reflection on what is important to us, learn how to appreciate simple things in life and to show more care & concern to the ones we love.

No matter how tough life is, there is always a reason to smile. This smile is the answer to why we are pressing on. When there’s love, there’s hope.

While most would swoon over Jeong Hyuk & Se Ri’s love line, the budding romance between Seung Joon & Seo Dan grows on you over time.

It isn’t just about finding true love in times of adversity, but also forging unforgettable friendships with people they would never have known otherwise. We should all live each day to the fullest as if it is the last & tell the people we love how we really feel.

This drama has received much rave, but also backlash over sensitive political issues. North Korean defectors have complimented on how close the settings are to North Korea in reality, from frequent electricity cut off, kimchi caves, costumes, furnishings down right to the North Korean accent.

We could see the contrast in the leads’ respective lives, the environment they grew up and the circumstances which shaped their personality.

There is an interesting “role reversal” when they went to South Korea, where Jeong Hyuk became her “bodyguard”, with the 5th Infantry soldiers trying to adapt to cosmopolitan life. One would fondly recall the Jjimjilbang scenes and them trying to dress up like South Koreans with fake branded clothing.

We meet the people we meet for a reason. They found true love and healed each other in the process.

What we learnt from Jeong Hyuk is that we should always 从日常生活中,寻找那些小小的幸福。

Karma goes one round to teach Se Ri a life lesson about love, sacrifice, friendships and not to take simple things for granted. She never knew how fortunate she was before this predicament.

The love line between a conman & a proud, rich girl is not unheard of, but we love the 2nd love line so much that we wished they had more screen time together.

You will undeniably grow fonder of Seung Joon , so much so that you might have teared a little after knowing what he has gone through.

He’s one with the wits and wisdom, especially when it comes to giving love advice to Seo Dan. Seung joon reassured that she is a capable & attractive lady who is deserving of love no less, even if Jeong Hyuk loves another. We should remember, that we are all worthy to be loved.

Good things don’t come easy. You will learn to fight for it and appreciate them more. We witnessed how they gradually opened up to each other, with Seung Joon wanting to become a better person, in order to be worthy of her.

CLOY is no doubt a big scale production, from overseas filming in Switzerland and Mongolia, to having so many supporting actors. Be it the villains, 5th Infantry guys, village ajummas, Seo Dan and Se Ri’s comical family members, big name cameos like Kim Soo Hyun and Choi Ji Woo, the drama would not be as intense, exciting and “flavourful” without them.

The village ajummas did a great job in throwing us into fits of laughter. They may seem mean at first, but they are kind-hearted and would help anyone in need.

While the ending for some characters is less than satisfying, these 16 ep of “paragliding” experience with Se Ri, all cast and crew involved in “Crash Landing On You” have brought us an emotional roller coaster ride filled with much joy, warmth, solace and some tear-jerking, heartbreaking moments.

We learn that we need to be strong and believe in ourselves. If we have enough faith, we will ultimately meet the people we wish to meet again, someday.

It is a wonderful drama that has crashed deep right into our hearts and will remain deeply embedded in the many years to come.Read More →

Known as the King & Queen of Melodramas, So Ji Sub & Son Ye Jin make their on-screen reunion after 17 years as loving couple with a very cute and sensible son in “Be With You”. This movie is a Korean remake of the famous Japanese movie, based on a popular novel by Takuji Ichikawa.

The story started with an animation about a mother penguin which passed away and reunited with her family one day after traveling back on the “rain train”, but had to leave again when the rainy season ended.

It ‘s a prelude to how the story would end but it is how the story unfolds with looking back into the past, revelations of how things happened before and after, that would tug at your heart strings.

电影的拍摄手法像雨季一样,悠悠的, 轻轻的打在你身上。


从初中认识,到了大学时期才约会几次,过后分手,又再次相遇,结婚生子,到生离死别,到最后失了记忆回来后.. 又重新的开始找回那相爱的甜蜜感觉和记忆。


Ji Sub oppa 这回的角色虽然会有 melo 成分,但有一些较活泼的表现。因为他得从10几岁演到40几岁。那傻呼呼的懵懂少年,从暗恋,到如何笨拙的第一次约会和牵手, 会让你我会心一笑。那是多遥远,但多美好的时光?


戏里的儿子 Ji Ho 真的很可爱。也把那个年纪的小孩该有的天真与活泼,还渴望和妈妈一直一直在一起而做的”傻事”发挥的很惹人心疼。

其实看到最后40分钟才开始有点想哭的感觉。就是儿子 Ji Ho 在表演时说得那番话。他心里知道妈妈迟早会离开,于是就在”演讲”时, 说了会如何照顾自己,和守护爸爸,要妈妈放心。还有就是 Woo Jin 和 Soo Ah 在下着雨的夜里,凝望着对方哀伤的眼神。虽然什么话都没说, 他们俩都知道离别在即。

父子俩都知道秀雅会在雨季结束后离开,但都各自想尽办法”挽留”她, 试图不让她离开。他们傻的可爱,也傻得让人心疼。

我想, 故事想带过的时, 即使失去了记忆,该相爱的人, 还是会重新找回记忆。。 重新找回爱的感觉。。 因为”爱”靠的不是脑袋里的记忆,而是感觉。

该相爱的人始终还是会再次 fall in love.

人来到这世界上, 是为了遇见那命定的人, 相知到相爱,但总会有分开的那一天。倘若明知道结果还是会分开,那是不是会更珍惜与彼此在一起的时光?



看完之后, 就像喝了一壶带点苦涩,有点酸,但又有点甜的柠檬茶。。只是看你如何拿捏那浓度,酸度和甜度。



看了会想谈恋爱,也会想更珍惜在身边的人。Read More →