“比起抓着不放, 放手需要更大的决心。” – 小编最喜欢的经典名言


除了期待IU的百变造型(133套装发 – 应该是史上最多) 和时尚风, 观众也可以期待特效制造出来的惊悚元素, 主角和配角们精湛的演技,扣人心弦的故事情节和细腻的情感呈现。IU & 吕珍九的好人缘也令许多大咖级人马的客串演出,让这部剧集更加星光璀璨。


Audience can expect a world of fantasy & horror, waiting to be unraveled. It is a concoction of “The Master’s Sun”, “Goblin” and “第八号当铺”。 You would be intrigued to discover more about the sad stories that everyone brings.

While there are times when the better good such as forgiving and letting go, better appreciating and cherishing who and what we have in our lives would warm us, the ugly side of human nature such as resentment, hate, greed and selfishness would manifest themselves in many ways. Some short stories would be etched in your mind, but none would be as captivating as the strong bond of the hotel cast.

There are many “food for thought” moments, such as looking into societal problems like how cyber bullying can lead to dire consequences, how the suffering of sex tape victims remind us of the recent sex tape saga and how what we see may not be the reality.

Like some would put it, “Hotel Del Luna” is not so much about life and death and what happens in the afterlife. It is more about embracing the good, the bad, evil side of human nature, about finding love, peace, seeking forgiveness, cherishing people around you and living life to the fullest.

The Hong Sisters make a very good linkage between the mini stories to the bigger events or moral of the story till the very last scene. 整部剧集很有连贯性,而这类拍摄手法能够把观众带回之前的集数, 再重新思考一次。



因为早已预知结局,他们的爱情慢慢地因为了解而萌芽。因为早已有共识,所以也不会过于煽情。有些爱,无法长相思守, 但会永存在你心里。


They part with the belief that they would meet again.

It’s this faith that keeps the audience going too and approving that this would be the most apt ending for both Man Wol and Chan Sung, in this lifetime at least.

大致上,演员们都能掌握自己角色的细腻情感。这的确是很适合 IU 的角色,吕珍九也很能抓住观众的心。他从童星到现在,演技一天比一天纯熟。他们之间的眼神交流也是很有 Feel。

How fascinating the world of Del Luna is to a human like Chan Sung. He’s like “Alice in Wonderland” , having new things to explore everyday and plays a huge part in unraveling Man Wol’s past, which also intrigues him to want to know more about her.

From the scary makeup of the various ghosts to how the hotel transformed from a torn-down building to a castle-like building at night, looks like one that belongs to a Disney Princess. 每一集都会有一段酒店宾客的”小故事”。有些会令你额外有印象,因为它们特别引人深思,让你感慨万千。整部剧集想带过的一点就是,要放过自己,就要懂得如何宽恕他人,原谅自己。

What we see, what we thought we knew and reality can be very different.


念力是股强大的力量。You attract what you Think”. 强烈的怨念能够毁灭一个人,也能伤害许多周遭无辜的人。这也是现今社会问题。许多人在面对生活压力无处发泄,就会在网路的世界寻找一些慰寄。但有许多网民很多时候不负责任的胡乱谩骂,也导致了许多人踏上自杀的不归路。

结局篇的节奏其实有点”赶”, 因为要送走酒店的所有职员,满月和让粲星有个 Closure. 客房主管&满月带来无数的安慰,所以她们两的离别戏会比较动人。终于理解,并不是报仇雪恨就能令自己过得更加快乐。真正放下才是对自己最大的宽恕。把所有的员工都送走之后,空无一人的酒店,有种空荡荡,凄凉的忧伤。


Yeo Jin Goo has never disappointed the audience since he was a child actor. 粲星不管对待任何人都是那么的亲切友善。也因为他的真诚,温暖,爱,对满月起了好的作用。月之树开始花开花谢,满月也渐渐被她感化,展现柔弱和好的一面。


从来并不觉得IU是演技派,但这部剧能说是让她散发自然演技的机会。或许就像洪氏姐妹说的,张满月一角似乎是为她量身而定做,非她莫属。From 傲慢,刁蛮,小气,霸气十足 to the look of angst and hate in her eyes, blooming with love and sorrow at the same time, were some of the complicated emotions that she successfully portrayed.

Lee Do Hyun’s another young actor with potential. We have seen him in “30 but 17” & “Cleaning with Passion”, but he only garnered audience’s attention in “Hotel Del Luna”. 虽然P.O的演技备受争议,但贤重和宥娜的甜蜜爱情的萌芽,会让人想起初恋的时刻。观众也很清楚他们之间的爱情无法长久,但就是这种酸甜的滋味才称得上是两小无猜的初恋情怀。


粲星问为何麻姑神就不能以好的面貌出现来帮助需要的灵魂? 她的答复是,如果以大家想要的面貌出现,又有谁会真正在意呢?




Hotel Del Luna 不仅仅是部悬疑,惊悚,喜剧爱情偶像剧。


Start living your life now, if you haven’t.

Hotel Del Luna may have ended its chapter, but its legacy will be etched in our hearts.
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