This review is dedicated to actor Ahn Bo Hyun who has made such a remarkable transformation to the multi-faceted villain in Itaewon Class.

It is impossible to hate the abhorrent yet pitiable Jang Geun Won. He reminded me of “The Joker”, who’s feared & loathed by many, but was never loved or needed by anyone. It isn’t just the body language or tone, but the most captivating is how he used his eyes to accentuate his acting. His preparation work and conscientious effort in perfecting every scene, has left the viewers in awe of the final product.

Indeed, opportunities belong to those who are well-prepared. This is definitely the turning point in Ahn Bo Hyun’s acting career.

We’ll analyze his character in greater depth and discuss some of our most memorable scenes! We hope this would reach out to more readers who would like to discover more about this underrated actor.

And yes, this article is especially dedicated to Ahn Bo Hyun as a birthday gift!
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“Itaewon Class” is lauded for being “more than just an ordinary revenge drama”. It denotes an inspiring story of the underdogs’ uphill climb to success and takes us on a self-exploration journey to work through limitless possibilities in life. The theme fuels motivation to conquer obstacles and striving harder to achieve your dreams. It surfaces ingrained societal problems and also “golden” quotes for us to reflect on.

“Freedom” and “Forgiveness” are the keywords that embody the theme of “Itaewon Class”. Letting go is an art of learning how to forgive not just others, but also yourself. You need to break free from the invisible chains holding you down, so that you can move on.

Some societal issues include discrimination against ex-convicts, foreigners and transgenders, dealing with Sociopaths, how the rich and influential abuse their authority to get pass the law.

The realistically multi-faceted and imperfect characters prove that there isn’t always a distinctive line between good and evil. Ahn Bo Hyun has changed my perspective on villainous characters being one-dimensional. He added much spice to the drama by portraying the dark but also vulnerable side of a villain.

“Seeking revenge” doesn’t mean having to degrade yourself or stoop to an unscrupulous level. It can inspire you to dream bigger and strive harder, retain your principles while achieving your goals.

Sae Royi is a symbol of the “underdogs’ fight against evil”. He showed us how imperative it is to better your knowledge, experience, learn from repeated failures, press on and work your way through.

My favourite quote: “Everyone is given the same amount of time. It is how we use it that defines who and how different we are.”

We have learnt that self-love includes knowing when to put yourself before others and we do not need anyone’s affirmation to be who we are. Giving up without a fight is one of the detrimental things we can do to ourselves.

Listen to your inner voice, have faith in yourself.

Never say never.

Join us on a meaningful self-exploration journey as we delve deeper into analyzing some of our favourite characters, discuss prevalent societal issues, draw inferences from the characters’ life lessons and share with you some of our favourite quotes.Read More →

续2017年推出大受欢迎的医疗剧<<浪漫医生金师傅>>后,台前幕后原班人马再度携手在2020年推出第二系列<<浪漫医生金师傅 2>>。





在这道德伦理沦丧,利益为首的时代,是否金钱和权威挂帅的世界才是王道? 许多事情都不在我们能掌握的范围,但我们该如何尽我们所能,克服种种困难? 我们所谓的正义,道德伦理,究竟是对或错? 或许在观看这部剧集的时候,你可以试试寻找答案。


小编比较喜欢续集,因为有许多人生哲理,很贴近我们的生活,更深入民心。虽然续集少了柳演锡和徐玄振,但很开心梁世宗回来客串一集。看见安孝燮和他在”30 but 17″之后再续戏缘,感觉很窝心。


– 现今社会欺凌的现象,如家庭暴力
– 玩办公室政治,欺凌,排挤,歧视,孤立”不入流”的个体
– 良性的竞争是动力,恶性的竞争使人偏离轨道
– 哪些事情是医生分内的事情? 哪些是因为怕承担后果而不敢进行?
– 如果一直逃避,习惯了逃避,一辈子都无法逃离任何地方。
– 前途 vs 心向往的地方
– 道德观念 VS 职业操守

医生的职责是无论病患的身分或地位,他们都得尽力救活他们。医生也和我们一样,有自身的道德观念和想法。他们是否应该只遵守守则,而不顾及病患和家属的感受? 医生的任何决定可以危机到病患的生死。在分秒必争的情况下,他们应该如何抉择才是双赢局面?

1) 脑死的病患捐献器官 – 医生是否应该干涉家属决定?
2) 在翻车事故后,你会选择逃离,还是会冒生命危险留下来抢救伤者?
3) 如果选择”尊严死”的病患,是医护人员熟悉的人,他们是否能遵守”约定”,或会为了私人理由干涉?

Dr. Romantic 2 让小编对生活和人生有更多不同层次的体会,希望这部剧也能温暖你的内心,也让你有所启发,继续奋斗。

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