“黑骑士”在韩国人的定义,就是在玩游戏时, 希望有人代替你喝酒或受罚之类时, 把那个人称为”黑骑士”,就会体你代劳。

虽然跨越生死,几经轮回, 过了200年再次相遇的爱情故事,并不算新鲜题材,但能在故事里编入了永生不死的存在,和许多悬疑元素,是还蛮扣人心弦的。虽然故事最后的结局未能让我大满意,但也含着泪和惋惜看到剧末。


这部剧集还是能牵动人心,让你心里飘浮着许多涟漪的原因,处了 Slovenia 漂亮到令人窒息,又想谈恋爱的风景和氛围,还有这次金来沅 oppa 许多看了令人脸红心跳的”撩妹”动作。

Oppa 这次在戏里虽然依旧有着悲伤的故事,但感觉上爽朗很多。角色开朗许多,人也变得比较调皮和 charming. 他不只很会带戏,也很能让观众入戏。毕竟演了20年戏,是很有魅力的男演员。



又或者说, 如果要和你爱的人在一起,你就得残酷接受你得永生的事实。若选择离开,你就能变回正常。那你又会如何抉择呢?

Sharon Boutique 也是戏剧里非常重要的一个场景, 有种神秘力量但又令人毛骨悚然的氛围。 女主角的人生因为一件大衣而产生了巨大的变化。主角们在戏里的 Winter Clothing Fashion 真的是美到没话说, 势必会掀起一股热潮。

虽然说 Shin Se Kyung 当女一的确让人有些担心,但或许是 Rae Won oppa 蛮会带戏,所以至少这次他们俩的 chemistry,不至于看了让人觉得没感觉。虽然差了11岁, 还是有两小无猜的感觉。

但论演技,当然是不只漂亮但又很能演”坏女人”角色的 Seo Ji Hye 锋芒毕露。她每个眼神和反应都能让你时而怜悯她, 时而很讨厌她。但观众都不难了解她的愤怒,嫉妒,执着。

这是部不错的剧集, that’s if you like a little of fantasy, romance and melodrama.

There’s also plenty of 商场上的阿谀我诈。

不知道世上是不是真的有至死不渝的爱情或像 Soo Ho 这样牺牲奉献的”黑骑士”存在,但肯定的是 You will really fall in love with Kim Rae Won in this drama.

Morale of the story: Life is short, cherish all that you love and spend your time more meaningfully.Read More →

What is your one wish, if it would be granted by the Water God?

While there are reviews that the drama is not living up to viewers’ expectations and its initial hype since it is often being compared with “Goblin”, fans of Nam Joo Hyuk, Krystal and Gong Myung would be delighted to see them donning pretty outfits that make them look like models on the fashion walkway.

While chemistry may be lacking in various forms between Nam Joo Hyuk and Shin Se Kyung, there is still much entertainment value in earlier episodes, especially when the divine Water God lost his powers in the mortal world and created a fool out of himself and the people around him. The bickering and chemistry between Krystal and Gong Myung is not to be missed.

Lim Ju Hwan’s acting as the main antagonist is pretty commendable as well.

Despite it being a not so engaging drama that couldn’t leave footprints in your heart even at the end of the 16 episodes, there are pretty funny and entertaining moments that we should give them credit for. I think it is still worth a watch if you need your fix of fantasy romance idol dramas and if you are a fan of any of the above cast.

Perhaps what they could have done was to strengthen the storyline and add on to some intensity with some CGI and fighting scenes, to make up for the lack of emotional engagement.
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