Rom Coms never get old.

Would you accept a business proposal that guarantees a release of endorphins to relieve stress, gives you a good belly laugh & “happy hormones” through the course of its run?

The delectable cast, fun-filled and hilarious scenarios are bound to make your day.

Cast your rationality aside as you hop on this vagabond to a KDrama rom com that’s filled with destiny and coincidences (that are usually hard to make-believe).

All you need to do is sit back and relax.

Let’s revisit the most hilarious/cringe-worthy, lovey dovey, touching moments, while also reflecting on the life lessons that the drama bestowed us. Read More →

“Ghost Doctor” is a well-paced medical fantasy drama. that surprised us with its refreshing twists and endearing character developments that bestowed us valuable life lessons.

It’s a well-rounded product that encompasses laughter, hilarity, heartwarming , poignant moments, looking at multiple facets of human nature – be it the good, bad or ugly.

The supernatural and comedic elements, heightened by the oozing Bromance chemistry between Rain & Kim Bum, are sure to set you glued to your screens!

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