While this is D&E’s 4th Asia tour, it’s their 1st in gracing our shores with “Delight Party” as a sub-unit .

Reveling in the electrifying atmosphere and being charmed by D&E’s energetic vibes, the 2,300-strong ELFs at The Star Theatre, were able to bask “in the moment”.

Definitely living up to the spirit of being Delightful, ELFs had a wonderful time laughing, cheering D&E on with fanchants, waving SU Bongs while dancing to their most renowned hits.

ELFs were given a repertoire of not just D&E hits, but also the most iconic classics from Super Junior.

The 37-year-old duo’s exuberance & witty humour are antidotes to your taxing lives.

From yakking abt chilli & pepper crabs in their MENT, dancing to Super Mario theme, playing keyboard & drums to Westlife’s “My Love”, calling fans out for not trusting them to win games, to asking why fans seek permission for toilet breaks, these easy-going dorks had their way of keeping audience entertained.

Let’s revisit some of the memorable and delightful moments to keep your post withdrawal syndromes at bay before their next tour.
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Blaↄkpink is indeed the revolution.

The Pink Rangers just hit you with the infectious “Ddu Du Ddu Du”, igniting a widespread of Pink Venom across sunny island over the hottest weekend we had in May 2023, and rained a Pink Confetti snow storm in Singapore’s biggest concert arena.

If they had you going “krra-ta-ta-ta, I bring the pain like…” after the concert, fret not. We’ve got you covered with a review of the “Born Pink” gig to reminisce with lots of photos and wonderful memories.

Hop on in as we navigate through the interesting and exciting bits of the biggest KPOP concert in SG since the pandemic.Read More →

The legendary Hallyu Kings are FINALLY back with Super Show 9 after 1681 days since Super Show 7.

SS9 was nothing short of being entertaining, engaging, heart thumping and heartwarming.

It wasn’t just the showmanship, stage choreography, their sincerity, wit, humour and some dorkiness, but the assurance that SJ and ELFs are still united in heart and spirit, that made it truly special.

Hop on the vagabond with us as we go down the memory lane of our favourite bits of this long-awaited concert!Read More →

The legends are back!

The wait seems forever but Super Junior is back in full force (almost), better and stronger than ever before.

For those who went “KAMP-ing” with SUJU, you certainly would have felt the difference in the aura they exuded, as compared to “Hallyupop Fest” earlier in May this year.

两个字: 霸气

全体回归后的气势&磁场完全不同了。人数一齐,大家都能发挥浓厚的团体精神和在各自的岗位上散发独特的魅力。的确,团结就是力量 (Unity is strength)。

As these guys emerged on stage, the hall instantly turned into a sea of sapphire blue. The euphoric cheers that went round the stadium like Dolby Digital Sound ringing in your ears, adrenaline and excitement gushing through your entire body, was just SUPER DUPER Shiok! Just like the inertia that gravity has on us, they channelled our innermost excitement.

Exuding high confidence level and being in their tip-top conditions since they embarked on their Super Show 8 World Tour, they are definitely ready for the world now as a full unit. Just like the lyrics in “The Crown”, they will continue to shine and take on the world while bearing the weight of that crown. They will remain to be the “Last Man Standing”.

It felt like propelling us back to their peak days during SS4.

They are veteran boyband superstars with the vigor of new kids on the block. It also means that they are still pretty boyish and childish at times.

3 Cheers for ELFs worldwide who have been their greatest source of strength and support all these years. There’s no holding back in showing their utmost support for these guys who finally made it back.
It had never been easy, neither is it easy now, but they will continue to forge on strong.

We’ll always remember this quote from Lee Teuk “Until the day the world is covered with pearl sapphire blue balloons, it’s not an End, but an And.”

It’s still an “and” despite all the hardships, obstacles, losing of members and members going in and out of military the past 9 years.

Nothing can beat the joy, satisfaction, solace when you watch these guys shine on the stage where they belong.

SUJU survived the ordeal; ELFs survived the wait and prove to be their greatest support as the world’s biggest sapphire blue ocean. That sea of blue can catch their backs when they fall, providing them the most quiet but embracing support.

As the guys danced to their latest retro-pop hit, fan chants from the crowd were in sync with their latest hit “Super Clap”. The choreography and sequence of the fan chants for “Super Clap” were circulating wildly online, so that fans could memorise their parts before the performance.

SUJU is best at bringing ENTERTAINMENT to the audience, be it their singing, dancing, pranks or crappy talks. These guys know no boundaries.

在这群人的世界里, “没有最疯,只有更疯”…

They would not end their show without much bantering that would make you experience cramps from laughing so much.

From changing the lyrics of “Super Clap” to chili and pepper crabs to dancing a little skit with “Sing, Sing, Singapore”, reading out a prepared speech in English, joking around with broken English and relatable Singlish asking “We handsome?”, these guys were out to 自娱娱人.

You can’t deny that Kyuhyun is mainly the source of joy and laughter among the hyungs. It feels so different with the energy that evil and playful maknae brings to the entire group.

When all 3 main vocalists of Super Junior are back, you are in for a splendid eargasm feast. The so ever familiar harmonization of low, medium and high notes blended so perfectly, be it the ballads or fast tracks.

Yesung’s vocals have been catching much attention in recent years. His husky, sexy, low vocal can hit some uniquely high pitches that are so easily distinguishable. Kyuhyun can execute and navigate between his low and high notes so beautifully. His high notes are soothing to the ears, while his low notes warm your heart. He has absolutely great control over his own vocal. 可以说是收放自如。

You probably miss Ryeowook’s high pitch. The image of him doing his ultra high pitch “Jashini Isseo” (I am confident) would pop up in your mind whenever you listen to him sing.

It’s a picture perfect when the main vocalists + main dancers and everyone else doing their thing on stage.

Old is Gold, or perhaps Diamond here.

They’ve still got it going on.

LeeTeuk mentioned at the Asia Artists Awards that “Nothing is forever and as time passes, we will grow old and wilt but as compared to a beautiful flower that blooms, Super Junior will be a group that always stays by everyone’s side like weeds. We will always be a group that will repay everyone’s love, talks about the start rather than the end and talks about now, rather than the past.”

They have proven their intent with their actions all these while. Being in tip top conditions in their mid 30s and running around, dancing on stage like this is definitely be more exhausting than in their 20s, especially when you see them panting heavily, but they are still going on strong.

While you may have your favourite members, you will find all of them lovable and irritating in their own ways.


What is their role at their KAMP appearance this time round?

Hyukjae – The crappy guy (full of crab)
Lee Teuk – Most 长气 guy as usual but we love him anyway
Shindong – Commendable effort for reading an English script
Kyuhyun – Evil Maknae with relatable Broken English / Singlish,
Siwon – The so ever-ready-to-be Politician feel
Yesung –Blooming confidence with his vocals and visuals and we love how he smiles more now
Ryeowook – The gentle one with a glowing complexion
Donghae – Sweet talker and good looker

It was more than mere pink bubbles around Yesung’s head when he took his solo stage. Look at those wide grins and smiles. Bliss was in the air. We are glad that this blooming confidence has made him a happier person and more ready to open up.

It’s even a prouder moment, like an “Omma” moment when you watch these guys finally “all assembled” and performing right before you.

Songs of yesteryears like “Miracle”, “Mr Simple” would jolt your memories.

Hearing Kyuhyun taking the lead on vocals once again has never felt more complete. 9 years it has been and they have all completed their military service.

We do not know if the guys ever got sick of performing “Sorry, Sorry” or “Bonamana”, but these songs represent their best at their peak.

SUJU was in a beautiful mood, while the ELFs on an excited mode.

We will never forget the best leader who takes care of his members and fans at all corners of the stadium, who cheekily did a “Sing, Sing, Singapore” skit. Because of your hard work and sacrifices, the group managed to continue to this day.

No idea how many more years Super Junior would continue as a group, but am sure they will continue as long as the ELFs are here for them.


Till the world gets covered in Sapphire Blue, it’s an “and”.Read More →

众所期盼的Super Junior第9张正规专辑”Time Slip”,除了告知王者正式回归,专辑也散发着浓郁的温馨情怀。




9辑命名为”Time Slip”有着深远的意义。试问,人生有几次可以重来?

这次的专辑概念有80年代的复古,和90年代的 Hip Hop 元素,但又让人有回到初恋时的感觉。这很适合老少年们想重拾初心的感觉。有种像和”初恋”的ELF,在久别重逢后谈一次纯纯的恋爱。

专辑散发巨大的能量,有SJ俏皮的一面,也充分地展现了K.R.Y优异的声线。如今分配歌唱部分,一点也不牵强,也为歌曲都加了很多分和元素变化。曲风也结合了Retro Pop, R&B, Funky Music的原素。





9辑里尽量让每位团员都有独唱部分,让他们有机会展示自己是歌手的一面。这不再是专属主唱们的privilege, 而是 team effort. 他们想证明自己是优质的唱跳歌手。

小编最喜欢的有”The Crown”, “Somebody New”, “Stay with Me”, “Show”。一张专辑的曲目编排很重要,尤其第一首会为接下来的歌曲奠定某种既定印象。

“The Crown”除了燃起了他们和ELF们的斗志,也会让遇到挫折的我们不放弃,充满 Energy地迎接来临的接挑战。

这首歌是对全世界宣告王者回归,而他们将继续稳坐在卫冕者的宝座上,成为屹立不倒的”Last Man Standing”. Super Junior “韩流帝王”的美誉,会继续传承下去。


他们大声地向世界宣示”I’m Ready for you now”.

“The Crown”让SJ充分展露各自的拿手绝活。 团员各自的演唱部分也充斥整首歌曲,不管是唱或Rap都拿捏地恰到好处。


圭贤在用假音+电音效果唱复歌前的那段”无限的energy 再次充满电 撼动一切 “,加上和厉旭的”This is our time, let our light shine”, 再两人交替的高音复歌,真的让人点燃斗志。

“SUPER Clap” 专属SJ的复古风和掺杂所有Dance Pop元素的舞曲。成员们在演唱和rap部分,都能呈现很清新利落的feel。


若你有看到他的Animated Motions Graphics MV,就会发现他们的舞蹈包括了好玩的构思,也完美地呈现90年代的精髓。利特在独舞时经典的90年代经典的”Slamdunk”灌篮动作。他们边移动身体,边慢慢转圈,边拍手的动作,也很90年代。还有一段圭贤模仿邱比特拔弓,射出爱神的箭,团员们一一接着爱心的画面,即滑稽又复古。

This song just grows on you.

起初小编也觉得强劲的”Game”较为适合当主打,但”SUPER Clap” 的确更耐听。

这首歌曲可让他们和歌迷们在演唱会上有许多互动。除了一起摇摆身体,groove to the music, 还能边挥舞着Subong,边拍手。

既”Mamacita”,”Lo Siento”等拉丁舞曲后,”I Think I”是打入拉丁市场的另一力作。这首中版舞曲歌应该是专辑里头最琅琅上口的吧? 听了几遍后,大家应该都不难亨出旋律。这就能很快达到成功的营销策略的效果,因为传承度会较高。复歌的”We can dance” 重复了许多遍,听久了会误以为歌名是”We Can Dance”。

虽然没像”No Other”直接点名是献给歌迷的,但”眼明耳快”的人,都可以确认 “Somebody New”是献给团员和歌迷们的一首歌曲。




We get lost along the way & sometimes we do not even recognise the person in the mirror. You need to come to terms with the person you know & that stranger in the mirror.
Because, they are both part of “you”.

重点在最后两行: “虽然不是完美的旅程 仍然在一起才最重要, 就算我依然是我 你也还是你 那又怎样”



All they need is to embrace the good and flaws of one another, including themselves.



“Show”翻唱金元俊的名曲,但搭配MV里”Super Show 7″的剪辑片断,和SJ成员和ELF们共度的欢乐时光,就变成专属SJ的味道。




“SHOW” 承载了他们这么多年,120多场的 Super Show, 和歌迷相处的时光,以及酸甜苦辣。


艺声在SS8之前为团员准备的戒指上刻着”Thank you and love, always”, 里头则刻着”20051106 – 2019 ing”。





以小编的见解,这首歌的 Hidden Meaning 是: “The show must go on, The show will go on”.









因为好的作品值得和更多人分享,不要白费老少年们的一番苦心。=)Read More →