如果你曾待在收音机旁守候着电台播放”夯”极一时的”吻别”,还在录了一遍之后,疯狂地边 rewind, forward, 不停地重复听和抄歌词,那你一定认识张学友。

“张学友”这3个字, 代表的不仅仅是大家誉为的”歌神”,而是成千上万人的成长岁月,更是一个时代的象征。

就在迎接新春前的1个周末, 张学友把他的”学友。经典”世界巡回演唱会的第138 至140 场带回新加坡。他化身为”音乐魔法师”,让大家度过3个魔法般的夜晚。


就是不耍大牌,准时开唱 (晚间8点正),专业,歌唱实力雄厚,有着顶尖级的制作幕后团队 (舞团,管弦乐, backup vocalists, 音乐总监),灯光,音响效果超棒, 潜移默化的4面台如移动城堡。


这场演唱会的门票虽然价格不菲,但观众不难看得出,在制作成本上可是耗尽了许多资力,人力,物力, 时间准确的配合,视觉,音响都是顶尖的设备,才能完成。

经典歌曲就是有那么奇妙的魔法。一听到过门,旋律,大伙儿都会不知觉的跟着大合唱, 顿时间坠入时光隧道,回到当年的记忆,甚至当下的感受也会涌上心头。


他的歌唱实力无庸置疑。就连唱慢歌的时候,他的手和身体都会跟着每个音符, 节奏有着他独有的律动。除了鼎鼎大名的专属”莲花指”,也有许多招牌动作。

但”歌神”也是人, 也会有身体抱恙, 飙不上高音的时候。



因为他是 “歌神”,就算破了几次音,他都还是可以很快恢复平时的水准。大众对于 “歌神”还是保持很崇敬的态度,也不怎么在乎那一点点的小瑕疵。

对于很多歌手来说,要日复一日唱同样的歌, 做一样的表演是个恶梦,但对于开了第139场 Classic Tour 的他来说, 这是一种享受和喜悦,因为有观众的支持。


那小小的4面台竟然能蹦出那么多新意和惊喜。那么千变万化的舞台设计,如移动城堡般的, 真的是第一次见到。

有会在水中飘浮的小白船, 像 Cake Tiers 的舞台, 360度旋转的舞台,喷火的火山,会跳舞的灯泡,灯光也随着歌曲的情境起伏,甚至连舞台地板都有着很漂亮的投影画面。一切尽入眼帘和耳膜的视觉听觉享受,一气呵成。

主办单位在每个座位上放置了可以” centrally controlled”的荧光棒。 4面台观众席上顿时闪耀着1万颗美丽的”星星”。 荧光棒的颜色也会随着音符或不同歌曲而变化。这让整场演唱会加分不少。

如果背后没有那么顶级的制作,幕后团队,就算张学友唱的再好,也是体现不出这美到无法言语的灯, 光,投影 + 音响效果的杰作。

音乐总监是本地著名音乐制作人吴庆隆, 御用吉他手是 Jamie Wilson. 本地著名合声团体”插班生”的 Diya & Carrie 也是演唱会的御用 Backup Vocalists.

2月10日和11日恰巧是影坛前辈,高龄86岁的胡枫在香港连开2晚演唱会的日子。原本邀请了张学友当特别嘉宾,于是就用SNG 连线 + 唱了新加坡第5场限定曲”还是觉得你最好”。


或许,正因为他的灵魂,血液,骨子里都充满着爱, 所以才能每每那么容易地进入佳状, 丝毫不费吹灰之力就能唱到你的心坎里。

演唱会的后半段,学友哥也特地准备了大家都爱的”经典” medley。不管你今年贵庚,至少会有一两首可以拨动你的心弦, 如“想和你去吹吹风”,”每天爱你多一些”,”只想一生跟你走”, “一路上有你”,”我真的受伤了”。

80,90年代出身的歌手都是能歌善舞的。 脸不红, 气不喘的轻松的面对4面台艰巨挑战。

眼看这些乐坛前辈还在台上蹦蹦跳跳,但近年来, 还没发现像他们如此璀璨的宝玉出现在香港乐坛上, 不禁令人觉得有点惋惜。


心里会很想高唱” Yesterday Once More”。



就像”她来听我的演唱会”包含的意义,在不同的年龄层 (20,30,40) 听张学友的演唱会,会有不同的韵味和感触。

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Rejoice, Backstreet Boys fans! Nick Cater just announced that they are working on their new album & will be taking on a new World Tour soon!

“I don’t care, who you are, where you’re from, what you did, as long as you love me”…

If you find yourself singing along to these lyrics instantaneously, there’s no denying we are from the same era. We are fortunate to grow up with some of the finest Boybands’ songs.

The “Golden Era of Boybands” that belonged to Take That, Boyzone, Backstreet Boys, N’Sync, Westlife and so many more…

24 years it’s been and they definitely have got it goin’ on.

20,000 tickets were snapped up in a flash for more than a good reason.

Walking down memory lane to reminisce “Yesteryears once more” has never been more fun & enjoyable. It’s like a high school reunion party. You knew exactly when to join in for the lyrics when they threw the mic out at you.

Growing up and aging is an inevitable process, but what better way to celebrate this graceful journey together with these 5 men & their adoring fans?

You had “permission” to just go wild, shriek to your lungs’ contentment, singing, grooving & dancing along to the most popular boyband of all time.

Nostalgia at its very best.

AJ Mclean, Brian Littrell, Howie Dorough, Kevin Richardson & Nick Carter may have dad bods now, but that did not take away their glamour on stage.

Don’t all 90s boybands have synchronised dance moves?

They were either decked in leather or diamante jackets, doing their famous synchronised old-school dance moves such as the “Zombie Dance” during “Everybody (Backstreet’s Back)”, reviving the Folding Chair Dance during “As Long As You Love Me”, lifting their index finger when they sang this line “You are my fire, the ONE desire” during “I Want it That Way”. Swaying their mic stands during ballads such as “I’ll Never Break Your Heart”, was also an iconic 90s boyband stance.

We don’t mind a layer of “cheese” added to their dance moves.

Good ol’ cheese tastes oh so good.

You’d been blown away by their LIVE singing, despite Brian’s medical condition with his vocal cord. They could harmonise so well, sapping all the fans’ energy, attention and affection in an instant.

The guys weaved their ways into fans’ hearts effortlessly with all the sweet nothings, such as Nick’s “We love each and every one of you”, “We Love you so much, Thanks for being the best fans in the entire world!”, & Howie’s “Thank You for keeping the Backstreet pride alive!”

The concert set list was a replica of their Las Vegas Tour, with 20 classics such as “Larger than Life”, “Everybody (Backstreet’s Back)”, “We’ve Got It Going On”, “Drowning”, “Incomplete”, “Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely”, “I’ll Never Break Your Heart”, “Quit Playing Games with My Heart”, “As Long As You Love Me”, “I Want It That Way” & “More Than That”.

As they belted out their classic hits & award charting ballads, memories flooded your mind and it just tugged at your heartstrings.

It’s easy to resonate with at least one BSB song since your adolescent years. Lyrics would just come out of your mouth automatically, as if they were ingrained in your hearts.

They have moved along with the times pretty well and will continue to do so as a mainstream boy/men band.

With the legions of loyal fans around the globe, it’s almost a guarantee that their next album and concert tour will sell like hotcakes.

BSB fans are not ready to let them go, as yet.

Growing old is sweeter with them around.

Backstreet’s Back, Alright!

Keep rocking, Guys!

We want it that way!
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