Everyone has their secrets.

We only allow others to see what we want them to see. Similarly, we choose to believe in what we want to see.

How far would you go to keep your darkest secrets under wraps?

When your seemingly “perfect” world crumbles, how would you embrace your whole new world?

“Flower of Evil” isn’t just any other ordinary, intriguing crime-thriller. The suspense, exciting goose-chase, mind games & hints dropped along every episode, gave us a chance to ignite our inner detective traits in unraveling the mystery behind the series of murders.

The intensity of the evoked contradictory feelings threatens to mess with your cognitive resonance and brings you on an oddly satisfying emotional roller-coaster ride.

We probably have some “psychopathic” traits in us too, since we are all embodiment of good and evil. It’s how we allow that “seed of evil” to grow in us, that determines if it eventually flourishes into a flower of evil or good.

Kudos to the well-paced, not-too-predictable storyline & superb cast performance.

Lee Joon Gi never fails to throw surprises with his versatile & exemplary acting, while Moon Chae Won exceeds expectations with her portrayal of the struggles of facing a whole new reality. Kim Ji Hoon will shook you with his awesome acting too.

“Flower of Evil” is undeniably one of the best KDramas in 2020. A successful drama isn’t just one that possesses the above attributes, but also the ability to keep viewers pondering if they can make a difference.

The essence of love, trust, perception, how our personal experiences make us prejudiced or even discriminate others, justice, truth, parents’ influence on kids, peer pressure, societal influence, etc are some of the topics that viewers would reflect on.

Everyone deserves a 2nd chance in life.

We are all guilty of having preconceptions. We exercise our judgement based on hearsay. Sometimes, we already condemn someone without even giving them a chance. We should all learn to 放下成见,多用心和理智去感受. There can never be a clear distinction between good and evil.

This drama has brought to light that the society still lacks empathy for people with mental illnesses and victims of bullying.

Has it ever occurred to you that sometimes what people want is not the truth, but what they assume to be the “truth” or whether it has 话题性?

You can instantaneously imagine the intensity of the confusion, excitement, when a suspected serial killer on the run & a detective is a married couple.

Opposite forces attract, yet repel when one tries to mask his past while the other desires to unearth everything he has hidden. It’s a compelling force that pulls viewers into the lead couple’s turmoil and biggest challenges in life.

JG & MCW’s chemistry as a married couple in “Flower of Evil” is convincing. Their acting isn’t overboard or under whelming, especially when it comes to their individual struggles when the trust fell apart.

It’s easy to stereotype the children of a murderer to be the same as he is, on the basis that they have the same blood running in them. We repeatedly condemn someone as “incorrigible” because we refused to give them a chance, but there are also times when we would “readily forgive” another and find excuses for all the wrongs they did.

Children are not shadows of their parents. We can be who we want to be.

Joon Gi deserves a Best Actor Award for his impressive multi-faceted role! He’s worth the 3-year wait on screen. His broad acting spectrum is never limited by his pretty boy looks.

JG is like an ever peeling onion, always having something more to showcase & for viewers to discover. His eyes are so expressive that you can feel his emotions with every look or slight twitch. The unfeeling, nonchalant look in his eyes would creep you out at times.

It’s at a level whereby he could incorporate his character within himself. Be it emotional or action scenes, Joon Gi did all that almost flawlessly.

As much as she is a righteous cop, Ji Won was pulled into “irrational” thinking in order to protect the man she loves. MCW has portrayed her role with just the right temperament, striking a balance being an outstanding detective, yet doesn’t seem too gullible even when she has a pure heart.

Kim Ji Hoon’s a great looker who’s so competent in his role that it sends chills down your spines despite his limited screen time. The deranged looks, sinister smiles, big eyes staring into space & hysterical laughter, contemplating his next steps in setting traps to lure his prey, were so innately displayed.

The Baek Parents are an excellent example of how 盲目的宠溺会毁了孩子的一生。

This drama has given me much reflection moments about love, kinship & how we should learn to cast our preconceptions aside.

Spend more time and effort to understand the people you love. What we should do is not to change them but embrace them for who they are.

That said, I simply cannot wait for Lee Joon Gi’s next project!
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This review is dedicated to actor Ahn Bo Hyun who has made such a remarkable transformation to the multi-faceted villain in Itaewon Class.

It is impossible to hate the abhorrent yet pitiable Jang Geun Won. He reminded me of “The Joker”, who’s feared & loathed by many, but was never loved or needed by anyone. It isn’t just the body language or tone, but the most captivating is how he used his eyes to accentuate his acting. His preparation work and conscientious effort in perfecting every scene, has left the viewers in awe of the final product.

Indeed, opportunities belong to those who are well-prepared. This is definitely the turning point in Ahn Bo Hyun’s acting career.

We’ll analyze his character in greater depth and discuss some of our most memorable scenes! We hope this would reach out to more readers who would like to discover more about this underrated actor.

And yes, this article is especially dedicated to Ahn Bo Hyun as a birthday gift!
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“Itaewon Class” is lauded for being “more than just an ordinary revenge drama”. It denotes an inspiring story of the underdogs’ uphill climb to success and takes us on a self-exploration journey to work through limitless possibilities in life. The theme fuels motivation to conquer obstacles and striving harder to achieve your dreams. It surfaces ingrained societal problems and also “golden” quotes for us to reflect on.

“Freedom” and “Forgiveness” are the keywords that embody the theme of “Itaewon Class”. Letting go is an art of learning how to forgive not just others, but also yourself. You need to break free from the invisible chains holding you down, so that you can move on.

Some societal issues include discrimination against ex-convicts, foreigners and transgenders, dealing with Sociopaths, how the rich and influential abuse their authority to get pass the law.

The realistically multi-faceted and imperfect characters prove that there isn’t always a distinctive line between good and evil. Ahn Bo Hyun has changed my perspective on villainous characters being one-dimensional. He added much spice to the drama by portraying the dark but also vulnerable side of a villain.

“Seeking revenge” doesn’t mean having to degrade yourself or stoop to an unscrupulous level. It can inspire you to dream bigger and strive harder, retain your principles while achieving your goals.

Sae Royi is a symbol of the “underdogs’ fight against evil”. He showed us how imperative it is to better your knowledge, experience, learn from repeated failures, press on and work your way through.

My favourite quote: “Everyone is given the same amount of time. It is how we use it that defines who and how different we are.”

We have learnt that self-love includes knowing when to put yourself before others and we do not need anyone’s affirmation to be who we are. Giving up without a fight is one of the detrimental things we can do to ourselves.

Listen to your inner voice, have faith in yourself.

Never say never.

Join us on a meaningful self-exploration journey as we delve deeper into analyzing some of our favourite characters, discuss prevalent societal issues, draw inferences from the characters’ life lessons and share with you some of our favourite quotes.Read More →

“黑骑士”在韩国人的定义,就是在玩游戏时, 希望有人代替你喝酒或受罚之类时, 把那个人称为”黑骑士”,就会体你代劳。

虽然跨越生死,几经轮回, 过了200年再次相遇的爱情故事,并不算新鲜题材,但能在故事里编入了永生不死的存在,和许多悬疑元素,是还蛮扣人心弦的。虽然故事最后的结局未能让我大满意,但也含着泪和惋惜看到剧末。


这部剧集还是能牵动人心,让你心里飘浮着许多涟漪的原因,处了 Slovenia 漂亮到令人窒息,又想谈恋爱的风景和氛围,还有这次金来沅 oppa 许多看了令人脸红心跳的”撩妹”动作。

Oppa 这次在戏里虽然依旧有着悲伤的故事,但感觉上爽朗很多。角色开朗许多,人也变得比较调皮和 charming. 他不只很会带戏,也很能让观众入戏。毕竟演了20年戏,是很有魅力的男演员。



又或者说, 如果要和你爱的人在一起,你就得残酷接受你得永生的事实。若选择离开,你就能变回正常。那你又会如何抉择呢?

Sharon Boutique 也是戏剧里非常重要的一个场景, 有种神秘力量但又令人毛骨悚然的氛围。 女主角的人生因为一件大衣而产生了巨大的变化。主角们在戏里的 Winter Clothing Fashion 真的是美到没话说, 势必会掀起一股热潮。

虽然说 Shin Se Kyung 当女一的确让人有些担心,但或许是 Rae Won oppa 蛮会带戏,所以至少这次他们俩的 chemistry,不至于看了让人觉得没感觉。虽然差了11岁, 还是有两小无猜的感觉。

但论演技,当然是不只漂亮但又很能演”坏女人”角色的 Seo Ji Hye 锋芒毕露。她每个眼神和反应都能让你时而怜悯她, 时而很讨厌她。但观众都不难了解她的愤怒,嫉妒,执着。

这是部不错的剧集, that’s if you like a little of fantasy, romance and melodrama.

There’s also plenty of 商场上的阿谀我诈。

不知道世上是不是真的有至死不渝的爱情或像 Soo Ho 这样牺牲奉献的”黑骑士”存在,但肯定的是 You will really fall in love with Kim Rae Won in this drama.

Morale of the story: Life is short, cherish all that you love and spend your time more meaningfully.Read More →