“Itaewon Class” is lauded for being “more than just an ordinary revenge drama”. It denotes an inspiring story of the underdogs’ uphill climb to success and takes us on a self-exploration journey to work through limitless possibilities in life. The theme fuels motivation to conquer obstacles and striving harder to achieve your dreams. It surfaces ingrained societal problems and also “golden” quotes for us to reflect on.

“Freedom” and “Forgiveness” are the keywords that embody the theme of “Itaewon Class”. Letting go is an art of learning how to forgive not just others, but also yourself. You need to break free from the invisible chains holding you down, so that you can move on.

Some societal issues include discrimination against ex-convicts, foreigners and transgenders, dealing with Sociopaths, how the rich and influential abuse their authority to get pass the law.

The realistically multi-faceted and imperfect characters prove that there isn’t always a distinctive line between good and evil. Ahn Bo Hyun has changed my perspective on villainous characters being one-dimensional. He added much spice to the drama by portraying the dark but also vulnerable side of a villain.

“Seeking revenge” doesn’t mean having to degrade yourself or stoop to an unscrupulous level. It can inspire you to dream bigger and strive harder, retain your principles while achieving your goals.

Sae Royi is a symbol of the “underdogs’ fight against evil”. He showed us how imperative it is to better your knowledge, experience, learn from repeated failures, press on and work your way through.

My favourite quote: “Everyone is given the same amount of time. It is how we use it that defines who and how different we are.”

We have learnt that self-love includes knowing when to put yourself before others and we do not need anyone’s affirmation to be who we are. Giving up without a fight is one of the detrimental things we can do to ourselves.

Listen to your inner voice, have faith in yourself.

Never say never.

Join us on a meaningful self-exploration journey as we delve deeper into analyzing some of our favourite characters, discuss prevalent societal issues, draw inferences from the characters’ life lessons and share with you some of our favourite quotes.Read More →

Known as the King & Queen of Melodramas, So Ji Sub & Son Ye Jin make their on-screen reunion after 17 years as loving couple with a very cute and sensible son in “Be With You”. This movie is a Korean remake of the famous Japanese movie, based on a popular novel by Takuji Ichikawa.

The story started with an animation about a mother penguin which passed away and reunited with her family one day after traveling back on the “rain train”, but had to leave again when the rainy season ended.

It ‘s a prelude to how the story would end but it is how the story unfolds with looking back into the past, revelations of how things happened before and after, that would tug at your heart strings.

电影的拍摄手法像雨季一样,悠悠的, 轻轻的打在你身上。


从初中认识,到了大学时期才约会几次,过后分手,又再次相遇,结婚生子,到生离死别,到最后失了记忆回来后.. 又重新的开始找回那相爱的甜蜜感觉和记忆。


Ji Sub oppa 这回的角色虽然会有 melo 成分,但有一些较活泼的表现。因为他得从10几岁演到40几岁。那傻呼呼的懵懂少年,从暗恋,到如何笨拙的第一次约会和牵手, 会让你我会心一笑。那是多遥远,但多美好的时光?


戏里的儿子 Ji Ho 真的很可爱。也把那个年纪的小孩该有的天真与活泼,还渴望和妈妈一直一直在一起而做的”傻事”发挥的很惹人心疼。

其实看到最后40分钟才开始有点想哭的感觉。就是儿子 Ji Ho 在表演时说得那番话。他心里知道妈妈迟早会离开,于是就在”演讲”时, 说了会如何照顾自己,和守护爸爸,要妈妈放心。还有就是 Woo Jin 和 Soo Ah 在下着雨的夜里,凝望着对方哀伤的眼神。虽然什么话都没说, 他们俩都知道离别在即。

父子俩都知道秀雅会在雨季结束后离开,但都各自想尽办法”挽留”她, 试图不让她离开。他们傻的可爱,也傻得让人心疼。

我想, 故事想带过的时, 即使失去了记忆,该相爱的人, 还是会重新找回记忆。。 重新找回爱的感觉。。 因为”爱”靠的不是脑袋里的记忆,而是感觉。

该相爱的人始终还是会再次 fall in love.

人来到这世界上, 是为了遇见那命定的人, 相知到相爱,但总会有分开的那一天。倘若明知道结果还是会分开,那是不是会更珍惜与彼此在一起的时光?



看完之后, 就像喝了一壶带点苦涩,有点酸,但又有点甜的柠檬茶。。只是看你如何拿捏那浓度,酸度和甜度。



看了会想谈恋爱,也会想更珍惜在身边的人。Read More →

What is your one wish, if it would be granted by the Water God?

While there are reviews that the drama is not living up to viewers’ expectations and its initial hype since it is often being compared with “Goblin”, fans of Nam Joo Hyuk, Krystal and Gong Myung would be delighted to see them donning pretty outfits that make them look like models on the fashion walkway.

While chemistry may be lacking in various forms between Nam Joo Hyuk and Shin Se Kyung, there is still much entertainment value in earlier episodes, especially when the divine Water God lost his powers in the mortal world and created a fool out of himself and the people around him. The bickering and chemistry between Krystal and Gong Myung is not to be missed.

Lim Ju Hwan’s acting as the main antagonist is pretty commendable as well.

Despite it being a not so engaging drama that couldn’t leave footprints in your heart even at the end of the 16 episodes, there are pretty funny and entertaining moments that we should give them credit for. I think it is still worth a watch if you need your fix of fantasy romance idol dramas and if you are a fan of any of the above cast.

Perhaps what they could have done was to strengthen the storyline and add on to some intensity with some CGI and fighting scenes, to make up for the lack of emotional engagement.
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