
为了弥补无法举办JRI Blue 的遗憾,五月天”连本带利”地给本地观众加码。除了邀请重量级嘉宾 – 刘若英 +翻版品冠,在点歌环节加入蓝色3部曲的歌曲,和<<你的神曲>>全球首唱,献上久违的垃圾话,卯足全力High翻3小时,可谓诚意满满。


就让我们再一次重温当天的震撼和感动吧!Read More →


就在刚过去的周末,五月天带了他们的第10代巡回演唱会”人生无限公司”到新加坡,连High了3个晚上,为这年末开个最精彩盛大的 Party.


每位”人生无限公司”的”员工”都带着各自不同的故事和心情在那3个夜晚”上班打卡”,甚至疯狂, 不要命的”加班”。全世界上也只有这间公司的”神经病”们才会那么乐意加班。

许多人是为了演唱会的好口碑慕名而来,但对于那些上了”年纪”的来说, 这是和五月天”老友鬼鬼”的聚会。




观众的反应,”大叔”们的即兴脱轨,颜色笑话层出不穷,每日歌单至少会换个4-5首歌曲。每次巡演的同时,你也不仅会发现他们的用心。许多歌都会重新编曲,让人有比较 refreshing 的感觉。

他们在舞台上的卖力,台下观众热情的回应和相呼应,是最直接,最买单的表现。那台上台下的互相调侃,肆无忌惮的颜色笑话,一天比一天升级化。台下的观众时而大声合唱, 连接力唱也胜任的措措有余,时而呐喊”Hey Hey Hey Hey, 啦啦啦”, 都无需任何彩排。这就是五月天和五迷们之间的默契。


看五月天的演唱会最重要的就是气氛,和那些能够打动你, 感动你, 让你有所共鸣的歌曲。可以一起笑, 一起哭, 在那之后吸取满满的正能量,继续打拼。


“你怎么做,你怎么活, 就决定了你的自传怎么写”。。。


“天人生无限公司”, is really a company no one minds working for.



下一次,你又会带着什么样的故事来听五月天的演唱会呢?Read More →

After not watching Mayday perform for 3 years, the audience was at an all-time high. Most stood, grooved & jumped throughout the concert, whilst waving the centrally controlled light sticks. The “Lalala” during 憨人, white flashlights, encore chants, singing and cheering loudly, was something that took them by surprise.

Well done, Singapore. You know when to step out of your dormant mode. Mayday is one of the only artiste that can get audience springing from their seats to stand and jump from the very first song till the very end.

That’s probably what we call releasing all your energy after bottling up for so long.


This was something that I was pondering whilst at the concert.

This sentence not just pertains to your loved ones, family members and friends, but also, if these 5 guys did not appear in my life 15 years ago, how different would my life have been?

他们是越老越吃香. They are in their 40s (only Masa is 39), 没有俊男,没有6块腹肌,和随时会走音的主唱, 老梗一玩再玩, but the fan base has been growing steadily, from young fans to old fans.

They “lie” quietly in our CD Players, MP3 Players and accompany us all these years, so it isn’t really surprising why the fans return them with such generous spontaneity during their concerts. This is what the artistes need most as encouragement.

It’s a 2-way relationship.

Without Mayday, many of us may still be just resigned to our fates and daren’t take the chance to really venture into doing what we like, much less to follow our hearts and our dreams.

You may say they are just strangers, but yes, strangers close to our hearts.

We do not know one another in real life, yet they are like the catalyst for some change in all of us.

They are very low profile, down-to-earth & 一步一脚印 kinda artiste. They are like 细水长流型 to us, just like how wine tastes better over time.

Their songs’ genre might have changed a little over the years as they go through different stages in life. It doesn’t matter if they are commercialised, as long as they keep to the pact of singing till 80 years old. Their uniqueness lies in the fact that their songs can just keep you going for a very long time.

What is so nice about a Mayday concert?

It is the atmosphere, strength, inspiration and positive energy that you can draw from their songs, tonnes of fun and laughter from their “colourful jokes” and “rubbish talk” too.

The relationship between Mayday and their fans is really like what they label as “没大没小”. It’s indeed 没距离感, they are 平民百姓 just like us。


就是”憨人” 这首歌..

They draw comfort, solace and encouragement from the sea of blue too. The bobbing light sticks represent thousands and thousands of people who love their music.

To the fans, that sea of Blue and Number 5 mean something more significant.

The 5 of them comes as a package, just like you can’t lose any finger on your hand.

They are a positive source of energy.

They changed the rundown a little on Day 2 and it was really so good to hear 盛夏光年 & 雌雄同体, 超人, 志明与春娇!

Like they said, after the concert, we need to go back to our daily lives and 好好的过我们的生活。。

No matter how time passes, just remember that we must be 倔强 & 顽固 enough to stay true to who we are.

憨人, 人生海海, 倔强,一颗苹果, can keep us going for some time.

Just don’t make us wait another 3 yrs before the next gig.

我最爱的大叔们, 谢谢你们出现在我的生命里…


干杯。Read More →